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View Full Version : Starnge Problem (Is it lack of Memory)

23-09-10, 21:35
I'm having a rather odd problem when trying to do a screen shot from the WebInterface from PC.

When I try and do a screen shot the WebPage just spins round like it's trying to load the image.
Then on the box itself the LCD Screen goes to VU +

I'm thinking it's due to lack of free space, as I keep having problems with the swapfile at the moment.

total used free shared buffers
Mem: 141504 138380 3124 0 404
Swap: 0 0 0
Total: 141504 138380 3124

Does that seem like I've run of of space to do a screenshot?

I've just activated the swapfile and it's now showing as

total used free shared buffers
Mem: 141504 138808 2696 0 448
Swap: 131064 3296 127768
Total: 272568 142104 130464

I've just tried doing a screenshot again, but it just dosn't seem to load on the webinterface?
Any pointers?