View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Various issues with VU+ Duo box

20-01-13, 21:14
Hi there,

Having a few issues with my VU+Duo, as follows:

Using Vix Image:

1) Sky Sports channels particularly freezing/stopping
2) Box freezing when trying to play back recordings that are currently playing (usually works fine but sometimes freezing)
3) Box just randomly freezing
4) When left overnight, in the morning box has frozen and/or the audio and picture is fine but there is a pink colour in the background (sorted with a reboot)

Any suggestions?

20-01-13, 21:17
What image, what version, what's your local card?
original or clone box?

20-01-13, 21:26
Latest VIX Image, it's an original box.

Rob van der Does
21-01-13, 06:29
Moved to the correct section.

21-01-13, 10:42
1) Sky Sports channels particularly freezing/stopping - Are you using a local card?
2) Box freezing when trying to play back recordings that are currently playing (usually works fine but sometimes freezing) - Do you mean playing back currently recorded programs? What do you mean by freezing?
3) Box just randomly freezing - Other than using the VIX image have you installed any additional plugins etc? Also what do you mean by freezing? Do you have a spinning logo in the top corner? Does the box crash? How long do you leave the box in this state for before restarting it?
4) When left overnight, in the morning box has frozen and/or the audio and picture is fine but there is a pink colour in the background (sorted with a reboot) - Have you got any tasks set up over night? e.g Backup, Autobouquet, Crossepg

21-01-13, 20:16
1) Sky Sports channels particularly freezing/stopping - Are you using a local card?
2) Box freezing when trying to play back recordings that are currently playing (usually works fine but sometimes freezing) - Do you mean playing back currently recorded programs? What do you mean by freezing?
3) Box just randomly freezing - Other than using the VIX image have you installed any additional plugins etc? Also what do you mean by freezing? Do you have a spinning logo in the top corner? Does the box crash? How long do you leave the box in this state for before restarting it?
4) When left overnight, in the morning box has frozen and/or the audio and picture is fine but there is a pink colour in the background (sorted with a reboot) - Have you got any tasks set up over night? e.g Backup, Autobouquet, Crossepg

1) Yes local sky card.
2) When I tried to play back Call the Midwife the other night, I pressed the play button and the screen just froze on the opening credits.
3) Yes I have some additional plugins (iplayer etc)- would it be worth deleting these? Spinning logo sometimes, other times it just freezes on whatever is on at the time.
4) Yes, I have CrossEPG to update overnight...

Thanks for your help.

21-01-13, 21:56
4) Yes, I have CrossEPG to update overnight...

Does the box freeze every night? If so I would disable the EPG updates for tonight and see what state the box is in tomorrow morning. If no freeze tomorrow then you know where the issue lies. If not, we try something else.

Are you using AutoBouquets? Or another set such as Mr. Mister?

21-01-13, 22:39
If the channels are freezing then the recordings, whilst the problem is there will also be recorded with the freezing/pausing.

21-01-13, 22:46
Where is crossepg data being downloaded to? Flash or hdd?

24-01-13, 18:14
Hi guys,

I stopped the EPG being downloaded overnight and have had no freezing or pink screen etc since. I had it saving to my USB drive in the back of the box.

Any ideas why the EPG is affecting my box?

24-01-13, 18:17
Hi guys,

I stopped the EPG being downloaded overnight and have had no freezing or pink screen etc since. I had it saving to my USB drive in the back of the box.

Any ideas why the EPG is affecting my box?

How many EPG sources where you using?

24-01-13, 18:22
Hi guys,

I stopped the EPG being downloaded overnight and have had no freezing or pink screen etc since. I had it saving to my USB drive in the back of the box.

Any ideas why the EPG is affecting my box?

EPG is a very very memory intensive process and on boxes with a relatively low amount of memory it can cause some problems. what are your exact EPG settings ??.

Rob van der Does
24-01-13, 19:06
If you're using Cross epg it could be wise to activate a swap file and/or use the cache flush plugin.
If you're using XMLTV-import a temporary swap file is being made during the import process, but then the cache flush plugin may still be of help.

26-01-13, 08:37
I had a similar thing happen to me. The image went on fine all was ok after a couple of days the channels started to break up. The signal strength shot up and down. My issue was that the epg location had changed from media\usb to media\sdb1. When I set it up it was 100% set to media/usb so something is causing it too change. I had the same thing happen last time I flashed an image from scratch a few months ago. I have unmounted the hard drive and USB and remounted them correctly. I set the EPG again to be media/usb and rebooted. Maybe that should now stay. I definitely did not mount any disks after re-flashing an image as the USB key and hard drive were already recognized on 1st boot after flashing. Picons were displayed and cross epg let me select media/usb.

Rob van der Does
26-01-13, 08:58
After flashing an image it's always a good idea to set all mounts correct in the mount manager, the reboot the box and then set all items you want to USB.
Be aware:
1- an USB-mount is being recognised by the identity of the device, so a stick may not be swapped (or better: if you swap it, you should repeat the setup procedure).
2- if (for whatever which reason) a mount is not available at boot time, several items (such as EPG & Logs) will go to flash.

08-02-13, 11:21
I am having a similar problem. my box randomly resets through the night. i think it could be linked to the epg update.
How do i enable the swap file?

Rob van der Does
08-02-13, 13:56
I am having a similar problem. my box randomly resets through the night. i think it could be linked to the epg update.
How do i enable the swap file?
Via ViX --> Swapfile

If you use XMLTV-importer no swap file is needed (as a temporary swap is used during the import process).