View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] remote only displays numbers

20-01-13, 11:42
When I try to use my solo2 to display letter by multiple press of 2_9 I get only the corresponding number no option for letters.

An I doing something wrong or have I not enabled a feature team vix image

20-01-13, 18:15
enable the option text support in the settings for RC code.


21-01-13, 06:19
Enabled text still does not work work with external keyboard USB wireless type.

Rob van der Does
21-01-13, 06:34
Moved to the correct section.

You never told us this was about an USB-keyboard.
As I understand it the Solo2 doesn't (fully) support those keyboards (yet?).

21-01-13, 06:43
Sorry I must have confused thing I would like letters to work with the remote
They do not work with remote but work OK with mini USB wireless keyboard.

Rob van der Does
21-01-13, 06:54
Then please tell us exactly when and where it doesn't work as expected.

21-01-13, 09:31
Right when I use the numeric number buttons on the remote control to display letters like using the search function on 1 channel I only get numbers despite multiple presses of the remote unit.

I have text support enabled in remote control settings

Solo 2 vix version 3 build 569

Rob van der Does
21-01-13, 10:07
1channel is a specific plugin, and there are several versions of it.
Pleas specify where it doesn't work in normal functionalities of the box.

19-02-13, 22:39
I have the same problem when I search something on youtube (in mediaportal).
Text support is enabled in RC Setting.
I use the 3.059.
Any idea? Thanks

20-02-13, 07:54
What might 3.059 be? Do you mean VIX 3 build 059. If so that is ancient. Update to the latest build which is 600 and see if your problem still exists.

20-02-13, 11:04
I updated to the latest build (600) but the problem still exists.
I checked if the upgrade changed the setting for text support, but it's setted on yes...

I don't know if it's rilevant, but the youtube's search I try to use is in webmedia, not in mediaportal as I wrote

22-04-13, 18:04
has any one found a solution to this problem as I have the same problem,
I am running VIX 3.0.649
and i have text enabled but when i try searching in "any" plugin, web browser, webmedia, etc
only numbers come up
i have re-flashed the image a couple of times but no luck.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks

27-04-13, 10:41
has any one found a solution to this problem as I have the same problem,
I am running VIX 3.0.649
and i have text enabled but when i try searching in "any" plugin, web browser, webmedia, etc
only numbers come up
i have re-flashed the image a couple of times but no luck.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks

correct, those plugin makers need to make use of the ViX option, until vu fixes issue in their drivers.