View Full Version : hello all

19-01-13, 17:57
Hi just joined the forum. Seems a nice friendly place. Glad to be aboard. Currently got a Spiderbox 9000 but looking to upgrade to a linux receiver when funds allow. Like the looks of ne VU +2, but also the Gigablue. VU seems to have lots of support and very good reviews. Sure I will get lots of good advice on here


19-01-13, 18:00
Hi and welcome, yep get yourself a Linux box (Spiderbox is fairly poor)

The GB Quad is great box but Technomate also have some great value for money boxes :thumbsup:
VU are fantastic boxes no doubt (I had a DUO) but don't overlook the cheaper makes ;)

19-01-13, 18:24
thanks for the welcome Marty

19-01-13, 22:37
:hello: and :welcome: aboard.

Which ever box you go for don't forget the sponsor does a members discount and you will be buying 100 original unlike some of these sellers on fleabay and such like

20-01-13, 16:35
would definitely buy from sponsor