View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] VIX 3.0 - Problems mounting NAS on network

19-01-13, 15:02
Hi all
I am trying to mount a Freebox (French server) NAS 250GB to my Ultimo but after days of trying everything (I think) suggested in the forum cannot connect
Ultimo with VIX 3.0 build 562, have NFS and SAMBA running, can FTP using Filezilla, can access also from laptop, AV, Disc player,internal and external IP but cannot configure my Ultimo to see it.
I can see the FREEBOX on the Network Browser but unable to mount using CIFS share, with or without password and the mount will not accept NFS.

I have obviously missed something so any help would be much appreciated.

Thanking you in advance

27-01-13, 18:32
Can anyone kindly advise on this issue as it's driving me nuts ?
It has become an obsession as every day I try but with no luck.
All devices on the network see the freebox NAS including streaming to laptop using VLC but the Ultimo refuses to accept the NAS mount.
It is visible on Network Browser and expands but with red cross and unable to mount in Mount Manager. Tried googling in addition to the forum but nothing points me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance for any inputs.

27-01-13, 20:58
Send us a screenshot of your mount settings just in case it's something simple :-)

27-01-13, 22:14
Thanks for your reply Rich and I do hope it is simple and something I am overlooking.

27-01-13, 22:28
What is the IP of the freebox? In your settings your are pointing to which is usually the default gateway (router).

27-01-13, 22:47
I understand that the disk is a NAS on the Freebox router


When I press OK to mount the Disque dur share I get the screenshot posted previously.

I feel that I am misunderstanding something but this is apparently a common topic when googling re this box

27-01-13, 23:31
OK, so your router is the Freebox which also has NAS functionality? Have you tried using a different share name? On the Freebox change the share name to remove the whitespace e.g change "Disque dur " to "Disquedur". You will need to update the name on the VU as well.

28-01-13, 02:34
Try putting a "/" (without the quotes) in front of the share name.

28-01-13, 18:10
Rich, micscave, your inputs very much appreciated but still no joy :confused:
I confirm the Freebox is a router with NAS functionality and from internet info it is running on Linux!

I have tried renaming the disc using windows explorer and also in the freebox but it is not possible (can only rename folders on the disc)
When mounting I have also tried "Disque dur", "Disquedur" and even "Disque_dur" but not acccepted.

Also tried all combinations with "/" but this is never saved in the mount.

Close to giving up on this one as I have spent many hours trying to resolve the issue.
Call me stubborn but I really would like the ability to record to or play from the freebox NAS thru the Ultimo.

Can you offer any other solutions ? FSTAB file etc

28-01-13, 18:55
Can you not create a new share with no spaces just to test?

28-01-13, 19:15

Thanks for the idea but I tried "Disque dur", "Disquedur" and even "Disque_dur" but not acccepted (red cross)

28-01-13, 20:32

Thanks for the idea but I tried "Disque dur", "Disquedur" and even "Disque_dur" but not acccepted (red cross)

You created these shares on the Freebox?

28-01-13, 21:11
There is no option to create shares on the freebox. Having said that freebox can be seen by all other devices -AV, laptop(explorer + VLC)
Probably not related but I can also access the freebox externally.

28-01-13, 21:27
On the VU change the share name to Disque\040dur

28-01-13, 21:46
Thanks for that and tried as suggested with a reboot but not mounting.
I did see details of "Disque\040dur" on French forum regarding freebox and linux but do not understand the significance of "040dur".
Beginning to feel that this is mission impossible but I do appreciate your responses and support :)

28-01-13, 22:03
The \040 represents a space, make sure the user account is correct :-)

28-01-13, 22:11
User account as in Freebox ?
If so the only setting is "Disque dur" with subfolders

28-01-13, 22:37
What are the subfolders? Is disque dur actually a share or are the subfolders shared?

E.g disque\040dur/videos

28-01-13, 22:53
All are shown as shared on Homegroup

Disque Dur\Enregistrements/Musique/photos/etc...etc

28-01-13, 23:01
Can you send a screenshot of the freebox config?

Also a screenshot when you connect using windows

29-01-13, 19:52
Hi Rich, thanks for your response and as requested:


Hope this helps to investigate


29-01-13, 19:58
If it helps at all here is the fstab file
rootfs / auto defaults 1 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0 /media/net/VUULTIMO nfs _netdev,rw,nolock,proto=tcp,nfsvers=3,rsize=32768, wsize=32768,timeo=14,fg,soft,intr 0 0
// /media/net/FREEBOX cifs username=guest,password=,_netdev,rw,iocharset=utf8 0 0

29-01-13, 20:49
Stop enigma2 before editing the fstab file:


// /media/net/FREEBOX cifs username=guest,password=,_netdev,rw,iocharset=utf8 0 0


//\040dur /media/net/FREEBOX cifs username=guest,password=,_netdev,rw,iocharset=utf8 0 0

29-01-13, 21:59
Thanks for your suggestion and apologies for the delay - as you know a quick trial of Airplayer :)

I have changed fstab as you recommended but the mount is still not active.

Strangely on Network Browser I get:


And on Mount Manager I get:


Also tried reboot after changes but still no good.

Frustratingly from your excellent response on the other thread on iphone I see the option to stream to Airplayer E2 OR Freebox Server !! :confused:

29-01-13, 22:38
Try this instead:

//\ dur /media/net/FREEBOX cifs username=guest,password=,_netdev,rw,iocharset=utf8 0 0

Also make sure you copy and paste to avoid typos :-)

29-01-13, 22:59
I really appreciate your patience with this issue but I amended fstab as suggested but with same result :confused:

Network Browser always defaults to as posted

29-01-13, 23:13
Delete the mount and reboot. Make sure that all traces of the mount has gone.

Add the line sugested to fstab and reboot. What appears in network mounts?

30-01-13, 18:18
Rich, did as suggested and removed mount, deleted from fstab, rebooted, added your line @ #27 to fstab and rebooted again.
Nothing showing in mount management and Networkbrowser is the same:


30-01-13, 20:44
Are there any logs on the NAS that you can have a look at to see if the Vu is even contacting the NAS?

30-01-13, 21:10
Hi, thanks for the input but there are no logs on the NAS.
However the VU is included in the list of connected stations ?
Note that the "Freebox" is a router with NAS


02-02-13, 19:12
This issue has taken over my life and as much as I try different mount configurations I still have no result :smash:

Can anyone offer any help ?

03-02-13, 22:23
I'm out of ideas at the moment

03-02-13, 23:09
Thanks for your response and I appreciate you sticking with it.

Have spent most of the day trying different configurations and have just had success after reboot but really do not understand how :confused:

I now have access to the freebox NAS and all subfolders and screenshots in order of sequence as follows that show NO mount BUT:






Although NO mount is shown I have access to the freebow when selecting files list => yellow button

I edited fstab as follows: /media/net/VUULTIMO nfs _netdev,rw,nolock,proto=tcp,nfsvers=3,rsize=32768, wsize=32768,timeo=14,fg,soft,intr 0 0
//\040dur /media/net/FREEBOX cifs username=guest,password=,_netdev,rw,iocharset=utf8 0 0

My only concern is this a fluk or will the Ultimo retain these settings ?

I have spent too many hours resolving this issue, I sincerely thank you for all your inputs and at the moment well pleased I have a "working" config :sleep: