View Full Version : vi editor - cheat sheat

23-09-10, 12:10
vi is a screen-based text editor, available on the Vu+ Duo (and other Linux based receivers). It's not the easiest thing to use, but can be useful to make small changes directly on the receiver, avoiding the need to ftp files between the reciever and PC.

It operates in either 'normal' mode, where keystrokes move the cursor through the file or perform an action, or in 'insert' mode, where text is input into the file.

The 'esc' key switches between modes.

To edit a file, you would type, for example,

vi /etc/CCcam.cfg

This will display the first page of your CCcam.cfg file ready for editting.

If you make a mess of editting a file, just press 'esc' followed by :q!
This will exit vi leaving the file unchanged.

You sometimes need to press 'esc' a couple of times to refresh the screen after inputting text.

Below is a "cheat sheet" of the most useful commands.

1) cursor movements:
h - left one character
l - right one character
j - down one line
k - up one line
Ctrl-F - forward one page
Ctrl-B - back one page
G - go to (without arguments, go to end of file)

2) deleting:
x - delete character cursor is on
d - delete
then add one of the cursor movement symbols to
show what should be deleted, i.e.:
d$ - delete to end of line
d0 - delete to the beginning of the line
dw - delete word

dd - delete delete (delete the whole line)

3) inserting:
i - insert before cursor
I - insert at start of line
a - add after cursor
A - add at end of line
o - insert new line below
O - insert new line above

4) changing text
R - start overwriting current text
r - repace current character
cw - chnage word
C - change to end of line

5) corrections
u - undo last command (not implemented)
U - restore whole line

6) all commands take numeric arguments
5dd - delete 5 lines beginning with cursor line (or) d5d - same
2dw - delete two words (or) d2w - delete two words
c3w - change 3 words
3Ctrl-B - move up three pages
1G - go to the first line

7) exit from vi
:wq - end edit, saving changes
:q! - end edit, without saving

There are other options but I think these are probably the most useful :)