View Full Version : Vti & satmate epg = crashlog everyday why ?

23-09-10, 09:35
Installed satmate epg few weeks back now as rytek one seems to be missing loads but everymorning theres a crash log for everytime the epg refreshes and the only setting i can find when i installed satmate was startuptostandy service which ive disabled

ive attached the crash log if someone can tell me why its doing it that would be ace

23-09-10, 11:44
Possibly the problem:

not loading user skin: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/skin_user.xml'

23-09-10, 12:20
That dont make sence theres no skins stored in that dir its for bouquet & services use
so does that mean its missing some skin info ?

23-09-10, 13:03
That dont make sence theres no skins stored in that dir its for bouquet & services use
so does that mean its missing some skin info ?

No idea... Not used the new vti 2 image, and never really looked in to it... Is there not some setting somewhere in the skin you're using that has put the incorrect directory in?!

23-09-10, 13:25
The purpose of the skin_user.xml is to adjust the normal skin.xml to your own needs, without changing the original skin.xml.
So when enigma starts it first read the skin_user.xml and then the skin.xml, box only crashes when the skin_user.xml has faults in it, but not when it`s not on the box.

23-09-10, 14:58
so how can i remedy this or cant i ?

23-09-10, 15:05
Have you checked in /etc/enigma2 and seen whether there is indeed a file called skin_user.xml. If there is, remove it...

23-09-10, 15:58
This is the problem.

[EPGC] 128791 events read from /hdd/epg.dat
[EPGC] start cleanloop
FATAL: LINE 162 descriptor not found in descriptor cache cbb7c39e!!!!!!

23-09-10, 16:07
Have you checked in /etc/enigma2 and seen whether there is indeed a file called skin_user.xml. If there is, remove it...

no theres no file in there called skin_user.xml

thanx though

15-10-10, 08:25
Right cleared this problem up after a month thanx to all who replied .
Anyone using a ipk install of satmate epg may find this useful
When i installed satmate epg via the ipk install to the temp dir theres no visiable settings like there is with rytec epg to adjust when time the epg updates , but it just so happens satmate epg updates the same time the epg is generated hence when the epg updates at 2.00am the epg also does the same this will cause the epg to be incomplete when the box does a scheduled reboot @ 2.00am is instructed to do so by the script this will then produce a crashlog everyday or at least it did for me , now the problem is solved all you have to do is change the time in the file manually , i changed mine to 6.00 am and no crash log now yippeeeee

simply ftp to this dir /etc/cron/crontabs/
edit the file root and change it from 00 02 * * * /usr/bin/restart_enigma2
00 06 * * * /usr/bin/restart_enigma2
for some reason the time is set arsebackwards
then no more crashlogs