View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] VIX562 & still have old issue with Logs (andyblac & Judge)

14-01-13, 21:51
Hi guys, i have rebuilt this box from scratch with no restores. The purpose of that was to hopefully get the log files to work again unfortunately its still the same!
I have sent and attached some log files. As you can see from the log files they all stop around the same point in the start up process, when I am viewing the log files its randomly crashes without generating an crash log.

I have just read the log files attached and they are not as viewed on the box i.e all the key presses etc are listed they are Definitely not displayed on the screen!!!! 216.tx was the crash! segment fault

What else can i provide please? :)

14-01-13, 22:01
Hi could it be your path, would it not be better to select usb or hardrive to save logs just a thought may be filling up the mem.
sure some one else with more know how will also answer

14-01-13, 22:02
Have you tried changing the location where they are stored eg. Media/hdd??

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

14-01-13, 22:04
are you viewing the logs on the box when it crashes?

14-01-13, 22:06
Thanks but from my past experiences I have left the default settings as they are, this being the case for these files. :cool:

14-01-13, 22:06
Yep that's correct

14-01-13, 22:07
just trying save to usb now thanks.

14-01-13, 22:14
Have you tried changing the location where they are stored eg. Media/hdd??

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Ok now tried using USB exactly the same screen shot shows all that i can see in all the log files even though there is more, another minor point is that the sliding indicator on the right of the view window is not always there!

14-01-13, 22:16
just checked my path and its the same as yours so defo rules that out then sorry

14-01-13, 22:18
just checked my path and its the same as yours so defo rules that out then sorry

The other VIX ultimo box works also.

14-01-13, 22:20
Yep that's correct

so the box is running out of memory when you are viewing large log files, nothing unusual there.
Why would you want to view them on the TV anyway?
FTP & view them on your lappy/pc.

14-01-13, 22:23
or, if you do want to view them on the box, try reducing the size in the settings, it will create more though. A swap file might help too.

14-01-13, 22:27
are you storing more in the root on this box than your other box ?picons etc

14-01-13, 22:38
Thanks, when something goes wrong Its convenient to look at the log files on the TV. I have access to another Ultimo and this symptom never shows on it. It also never used too on mine! I have a 96Meg swap file that is not fully used when I look at the time it crashes!

14-01-13, 22:40
are you storing more in the root on this box than your other box ?picons etc

No Picons are in flash too.

14-01-13, 22:42
Thanks, when something goes wrong Its convenient to look at the log files on the TV. I have access to another Ultimo and this symptom never shows on it. It also never used too on mine! I have a 96Meg swap file that is not fully used when I look at the time it crashes!

well, that's up to you. I would never look at logs on my TV as reading them from 8ft away would do my nut in...
reduce the log file size in settings to a size where this stops happening so, you will probably have to experiment with the size a bit though.

14-01-13, 22:42
or, if you do want to view them on the box, try reducing the size in the settings, it will create more though. A swap file might help too.

were only talking KB not megs who is using it up?

14-01-13, 22:46
well, that's up to you. I would never look at logs on my TV as reading them from 8ft away would do my nut in...
reduce the log file size in settings to a size where this stops happening so, you will probably have to experiment with the size a bit though.

A 51" telly helps! :) Ill try reducing but its beyond belief that there is not enough space for 175KB text file.

14-01-13, 22:54
A 51" telly helps! :) Ill try reducing but its beyond belief that there is not enough space for 175KB text file.

I could be wrong, just suggesting it...
The seg fault suggests memory issues & I have no idea what else is using memory on your box when you view log files on it & it crashes, so worth a try.

14-01-13, 23:13
Maybe your box as faulty mem and its not able to use it all?

epg not changed path to root ?

basic sugestions i know lol

14-01-13, 23:15
Yes Andy suggested once before that it was a memory issue, but i Have just changed the file limit size to the minimum 1Mb and there is no difference in what is viewable. If the log file were getting to be large i.e. 4Mb then I would have expected some change but as they are less than 1Mb no change.

What are these fails every file has dozens them please?

crc32 failed! is cf28e7a2

crc32 failed! is f12e32b3

crc32 failed! is 35bfaaf9

crc32 failed! is 9774374b

crc32 failed! is 7f2ac93c

[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
crc32 failed! is 2e6ba658

crc32 failed! is bf29589e

crc32 failed! is ff12ea52

14-01-13, 23:25
Maybe your box as faulty mem and its not able to use it all?

epg not changed path to root ?

basic sugestions i know lol

When faulty memory has been suggested before too our sponsor who said Quote "If the box dose not show the fault with the VU+ software there is nothing wrong with it and they cannot replace it!"

14-01-13, 23:48
On investigation the content that is displayed in the LOG window is 36kb file shortened file attached.

15-01-13, 11:28
Yes Andy suggested once before that it was a memory issue, but i Have just changed the file limit size to the minimum 1Mb and there is no difference in what is viewable. If the log file were getting to be large i.e. 4Mb then I would have expected some change but as they are less than 1Mb no change.

What are these fails every file has dozens them please?

crc32 failed! is cf28e7a2

crc32 failed! is f12e32b3

crc32 failed! is 35bfaaf9

crc32 failed! is 9774374b

crc32 failed! is 7f2ac93c

[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
crc32 failed! is 2e6ba658

crc32 failed! is bf29589e

crc32 failed! is ff12ea52

don't worry about those , i am assuming you are using subtitles ?, if so there normal.

15-01-13, 11:30
the scroll windows has a limited buffer, it maybe that you log are just to large to fully load. i will see IF it is possible to increase it, i will take a look.

15-01-13, 11:44
On investigation the content that is displayed in the LOG window is 36kb file shortened file attached.

Thanks Andy but the displayed section of the log is only 36K long and within a couple of lines is always the same! The other Ultimo has no problem displaying what ever the size of log. :confused:

I was not knowingly using subtitles but have now turned every subtitle option off.

15-01-13, 11:47
Thanks Andy but the displayed section of the log is only 36K long and within a couple of lines is always the same! The other Ultimo has no problem displaying what ever the size of log. :confused:

I was not knowingly using subtitles but have now turned every subtitle option off.

please list the boxes you are having issues with.

15-01-13, 11:49
please list the boxes you are having issues with.

only one of 2 ultimo's

15-01-13, 11:50
only one of 2 ultimo's

any plugin differences ?

15-01-13, 11:53
Nope both being used for same purposes and same set schemes, same sats, bouquet, picons etc, so as to avoid issues!

15-01-13, 12:20
do me a favour, can you backup a current images of each box. flash image with each others image and test viewing logs known to be working/not working on the each others box. and report back.

15-01-13, 12:39
Yes I can do that but third party involved I think I can do today though. Logically if I install my image onto the other box and it works then my box is faulty if it is the same then Image or settings issue, do you agree?

15-01-13, 12:53
Yes I can do that but third party involved I think I can do today though. Logically if I install my image onto the other box and it works then my box is faulty if it is the same then Image or settings issue, do you agree?

could not say that, it would have to be inspected and lowlevel flashed ( this can only be done by Vu or a Supplier), but for now try swapping images, and if possible supply me serial boot log for each ( 4 logs in total)

15-01-13, 13:02
Where do these live please?

15-01-13, 13:22
RS232 logs are taken via a PC with RS232 port and null model cable using a telnet client like Putty.

15-01-13, 13:26
could not say that, it would have to be inspected and lowlevel flashed ( this can only be done by Vu or a Supplier), but for now try swapping images, and if possible supply me serial boot log for each ( 4 logs in total)

I am not able to do rs232 as no interface and no cables all went into bin years ago with the printers and modems etc. I can Copy via FTP and send easely though.

15-01-13, 13:37
sorry if I missed something here, but you are going to all this trouble just to view logs on your TV?
is that the only issue?

15-01-13, 13:45
It would appear so but the more to the point if it should be working then why is it not? and what ever the issue is could cause other issues.
My box has some other obscure unexplained habits too! one being the VIX spinner popping up for no reason and the subsequent loss of control with no timers backups epg etc being run. :cool:

15-01-13, 17:37
do me a favour, can you backup a current images of each box. flash image with each others image and test viewing logs known to be working/not working on the each others box. and report back.

How do I get the image off mine? Is it all the image backup files please?

15-01-13, 17:50
Blue button> ViX> Image manager.

this will create a full image backup to your chosen media ( I use a USB stick ).

15-01-13, 23:47
do me a favour, can you backup a current images of each box. flash image with each others image and test viewing logs known to be working/not working on the each others box. and report back.

OK what a performance that was! Process below
1: installed my settings file on mates logs all still working OK
2: installed image as well on mates logs all still working OK
3: 4 log files are attached named (Mates date & time etc) the two earlier times were as before installing settings and image the 2 later ones after installs. All OK
4: Installed Mates settings on my box & logs now working all OK
5: 3 log files attached named (enigma date time etc) the two earlier times were as before installing Mates settings the later one after install.

If I now read the new log file it is all visible on the TV screen but the older 2 are still not as they stop at the [AutoTimer] text point. :mad:

This makes no sense to me whatsoever I hope you have some explanation for it & his log file limit was set to 10Meg.

20-01-13, 14:45
OK Guys hear we go.

1) After my previous post all was fine for a few days until 18-1-13 when the logs ceased to be viewable again, in that it just restarted Enigma when pressing green for view. One of these created a crash log the first one ever for this issue!

2) I have tried to send the log files but I have not received them this is another intermittent issue, the email address is correct and working. I have used FTP to copy to PC and uploaded.

3) I have also just tried to restore back to my Mates settings but this time no joy viewing logs just restarts Enigma again. But for the first time ever I have re-flashed and restored too today's settings and the logs are now displaying again.

4) For the last few releases the box always goes into standby after a restart Andy did you not fix this once before or is it intentional?

5) In an attempt to try and resolve the logs issue I have set an auto backup but now found as with vix2.XXX the weekly option gives one daily!

20-01-13, 22:26
Oh dear back to square one, logs causing an enigma restart again only change since reflash was a reshuffle of items in bouquet. :confused::(

23-01-13, 15:02
Just on a hunch I have reformatted my USB stick to find that the logs are now working again along with the ability to send too.

This still makes no sense as a re-flash also starts them off working again. :confused: