View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Change this default in recording conf.

14-01-13, 20:54
Recording type--->descramble and record ecm

is it posible to put as default value--->normal?


thanks from spain

Rob van der Does
15-01-13, 07:06
Moved to the correct section.

Why would you want that? The present default is fine for most situations (hence default).

15-01-13, 11:53
Hi Rob,

i've realized with default behavior when i play a recording from a channel of my card...my cc(autocensored :p) is asking ecms to my card.
I wonder why this situation and i founded this configuration.

With normal behavior there is no ecm asked to the card when i play recordings.

Could you explain "this situations" that you need records without/with ecms??


Rob van der Does
15-01-13, 11:59
This default is there to be able to descramble a recording, if descrambling during recording has failed (as can easily be the case, e.g. when using a CAM).
Asking ECM although being descrambled doesn't hurt, but if you do think so you can choose an other recording option.

15-01-13, 12:24
yes but when I start a automatic record with the red botton the default value is "descramble and record ecm"; and I want to change this default value in order to put "normal"

15-01-13, 12:29
yes but when I start a automatic record with the red botton the default value is "descramble and record ecm"; and I want to change this default value in order to put "normal"

what is the harm ?, this how most set-top boxes work, recordings are normally stored encrypted so there get decrypted on playback. but this option is safest, what would you do if your cam failed, you would not be-able to watch the recording, would you rather this ?

Rob van der Does
15-01-13, 12:52
what is the harm?
Yeah, that's the crucial question. No idea why that would be a problem.

15-01-13, 14:15
there are no problems; my cams works great and never stopped in 5 years during a recording; i donīt need this option as default option; I think is better if I can change the default value and put as default value "normal";
just having that possibility if developers can see it

Rob van der Does
16-01-13, 06:45
there are no problems; ....
Exactly as I thought! So I would just leave it as is then ........

16-01-13, 22:30
I know how to resolve this, I worked out how to change it on my Gigablue Quad.

I did post it on here but all I got was the same as what you got, people asking why you would want to do it and not offering any help.

If you connect to your box via telnet or ssh and enter the following commands:

opkg install enigma2-src

opkg install enigma2-plugin-vix-core-src

sed -i 's/descramble = True, record_ecm = True/descramble = True, > record_ecm = False/g' /usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py


Your box will reboot and you will have achieved exactly what you wanted.

16-01-13, 22:50
How do you decrypt on playback? I have a few recordings that consist of a black screen. If there is a way of reviving them that I do not know about then please tell :-)

Rob van der Does
17-01-13, 08:01
I know how to resolve this, I worked out how to change it on my Gigablue Quad.

I did post it on here but all I got was the same as what you got, people asking why you would want to do it and not offering any help.
That's because coders are just like ordinary people: they want to know what to do for what reason. And all we get is no answer to that question, in spite of asking many times :confused:

23-02-13, 21:47
As explained on http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?25930-Empty-recordings
my problems of empty recordings has been solved by recording in "normal" mode

23-02-13, 22:04
As explained on http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?25930-Empty-recordings
my problems of empty recordings has been solved by recording in "normal" mode

an option to change the default recording types has been added to builds currently in test & is set to normal by default.

23-02-13, 23:09
great stuff. thanks team

23-02-13, 23:26
great stuff. thanks team

All thanks to Andy, he's done the work.
Do try the next public release & let us know if if fixes these issues for you, taking longer than usual due to other changes but should be sorted soon...

EDIT: The new option to change default recording type is under Menu -> Setup -> System -> Recording Settings -> Default recording type, for anyone that wants to change it.

24-02-13, 22:09
All thanks to Andy, he's done the work.
Do try the next public release & let us know if if fixes these issues for you, taking longer than usual due to other changes but should be sorted soon...

EDIT: The new option to change default recording type is under Menu -> Setup -> System -> Recording Settings -> Default recording type, for anyone that wants to change it.

Thanks for this!

This is exactly what I was after.