View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] unable to connect Vu Duo to router using lan cable

06-01-13, 21:23
I am trying to setup a connection to my home network. I connect the lan cable directly into VuDuo and other end into router, the led on my router flashes but when I try to connect using the wizard on the Vu it says no connection?

06-01-13, 21:33
Does the router actually have an internet connection?

06-01-13, 21:34
does the light on the duo flash and have you done a full reboot

06-01-13, 22:22
Is a new box or second one you have bought, if the later, have you changed the image if not, go into network settings and make sure on the VU enable DHCP is ticked

07-01-13, 11:11
Also worth checking the LAN cable on another device to rule that isn't at fault:)

07-01-13, 20:32
Hi folks,
Yes DHCP is enabled and I proved Lan cable is good on another device. it is also a new machine. I have also noticed that the Leds at the ethernet connection point on the Vu do not light when lan cable is plugged in, Any other suggestions please

07-01-13, 20:33
Have you reflashed the box?

07-01-13, 20:42
Hi folks,
Yes DHCP is enabled and I proved Lan cable is good on another device. Any other suggestions please

When you tested the cable using another device, did you also use the same port on your router? If not maybe a faulty port on router?

I take you have DHCP enabled on your router and haven't got static ip's?

07-01-13, 20:50
Yep port on router the same and DHCP is enabled on it, I have not reflashed it

07-01-13, 20:52
Try reflashing then just in case some setting is buggerd :)

14-01-13, 00:23
Hi all, I have reflashed the box with image 3.0.357,and apart from having to manually insert spec. for the KA sat, it loaded fine but it has not resolved the internet connection. Any other suggestions? Is the internal lan connection part of the motherboard or can it be replaced seperately

14-01-13, 21:21
Hi all, I have reflashed the box with image 3.0.357,and apart from having to manually insert spec. for the KA sat, it loaded fine but it has not resolved the internet connection. Any other suggestions? Is the internal lan connection part of the motherboard or can it be replaced seperately

do you mean see files on box from pc ?

14-01-13, 21:32
What router do you have?

14-01-13, 21:48
Sounds like a faulty ethernet input on vu if it doesnt light up when cable is plugged in

15-01-13, 00:37
I am using Zyxel router at present. I changed router to a Netopia and two leds on the Vu ethernet port lit up initally (green +amber)which was promising but now only green is active and I was still unable to connect. In both cases when I connect a laptop to the end of this lan it connect no probs. It's not the router port either as I have moved vu into a working port and still no joy.
The network test
with the Netopia, Lan adptr:ok,local:ok,DHCP:ok,IP:X,Name:X.
With the Zyxel, Lan adptr:ok,local:X,DHCP:ok,IP:X,Name:X

15-01-13, 17:33
Where did you buy the duo from? Everything is pointing to a hardware fault

15-01-13, 21:10
Duo was bought from Satbox.com who state that the box is a genuine product

15-01-13, 21:41
Duo was bought from Satbox.com who state that the box is a genuine product

If it is faulty it does not mean it's not genuine, you could just be unlucky. It seems like you have been down all avenues so I would suggest contacting them to see if they can send you a replacement. If you get a refund instead you could always buy from the sponsor ;)

23-01-13, 21:11
Hi all
Thanks for suggestions. I resolved the issue by using a crossover lan cable instead of a straight thru one. Leds lit up immediately and connection to internet now ok.

23-01-13, 21:20
That doesn't sound right. You should only need a Xover when using point to point. You shouldn't need one to connect to a switch/router this there is still an issue. Could it actually be possible that your Duo's NIC has been wired incorrectly? Is this even possible?

Rob van der Does
24-01-13, 08:13
Using a straight or a crossed cable makes no difference: the NIC's will sort that out during the handshake.

The only conclusion can be that the previous cable or connector was faulty.

27-01-13, 20:41
No guys,original cable was good - it worked perfectly with a laptop and also with an AC ryan media player!

27-01-13, 20:50
No guys,original cable was good - it worked perfectly with a laptop and also with an AC ryan media player!

Get another cat5 cable and try with that to fully rule out a faulty cable. If it still doesn't work then you still have an issue because you shouldn't need to use a Xover.

There are only 2 possibilities as far as I can think of:

1. Faulty cable
2. Faulty NIC on duo