View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] softcam manager

05-01-13, 19:13
nothing too big but when you stop a cam in softcam manager it says Softcam Sopping , instead of Softcam Stopping :)

Mr. Mister
05-01-13, 19:23
Not on the Quad Build 553 it dont..

05-01-13, 19:50
yes it does, thats exactly my setup..

can you see on the attached picture??


05-01-13, 20:03
confirmed on the 2T with build 552, updating to the latest build now.

Mr. Mister
05-01-13, 20:36
I thought you meant the text in red.. and not the text in yellow..

Perhaps a clearer explanation would be better next time..

05-01-13, 20:44
lol didnt think you needed more clarification on it tbh,
if you look at the png you can clearly see it, as demonstrated by phoenix's ability to look properly :)

i'll make it a whole lot clearer next time ok?

06-01-13, 03:15
lol didnt think you needed more clarification on it tbh,
if you look at the png you can clearly see it, as demonstrated by phoenix's ability to look properly :)

i'll make it a whole lot clearer next time ok?
Fixed in next build, no need to get pissy about it.

06-01-13, 13:10
lol ok

read the post it wasnt me to start it off.... ok?