View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] 3.0.204 or 3.0.552

05-01-13, 12:16
I tried a different image but now I want to go back to VIX again...

Should I choose the latest stable version (3.0.204) or is 3.0.552 stable enough for everyday use?



05-01-13, 12:31
if you look on the image server you can see the latest "stable" versions.


That said just because a image may be set as unstable does not mean it's unstable, all of my boxes are updated to the latest image as there released and i have very few problems from time to time.

05-01-13, 14:02
Yes, but I am a bit "scared" of the unstable versions since everytime I visit the forum some user says that he has upgraded to the latest version and now that and that doesn't work anymore... That's why I am asking....


05-01-13, 14:06
Thats what the backup manager is for, you basically create a backup of your settings and if worst comes to pass, you reflash the box and restore that backup. it literally takes minutes to be fully up and working again.

Blue Button> ViX> Backup manager = creates a full backup of your settings and plugins, softcams and config files etc.
Blue Button> ViX> Image Manager = creates a Full image backup that you can store on a USB stick to flash the box back to it's exact state when the backup was made.

05-01-13, 15:18
oki... I guess that's an option... Thx... :)

btw, the only difference between those two is that the first option I need to have installed a working image to restore and option 2 to restore without a working image installed...?


05-01-13, 15:27
a backup made with the backup manager can be restored via the backup manager or directly during the FIW ( first install wizard ) of a newly setup image. A full image backup created with the image manager can be transferred to a USB stick and flashed in the same was as a standard image is allowing you to fully restore a working image any time, in the time it takes to flash the receiver.