View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Back up files

04-01-13, 23:36
Hi again, now i,ve got my usb back-up stick installed and mounted, tried to do a back up and it stops at about 71% and times out. i did tick all the boxes when requested what files to back up, perhaps this is too many? if so, what files should i be saving for a back up just in case box crashes please
thanks again

05-01-13, 19:01
Leave it as default - thats whay I do and it backs up all the important files that you need.

05-01-13, 19:29
still seems to stop after 81% and then times out after 10 mins or so, will try re-formatting usb stick and try again, many thanks

05-01-13, 20:04
nope. still the same! what am i doing wrong?

05-01-13, 21:51
What have you selected for the save location?

in backup manager and press menu - change it to HDD or USB.

05-01-13, 22:26
just made a back up of settings via dcc direct to usb like somebody suggested earlier, hopefully that will work till i get more familiar. just dont seem to have a choice to save to hdd or usb like i used to before
thanks very much