View Full Version : Can I have more than one Bouquet

21-09-10, 18:12
Can I have more than one boquet at the same time ? I have just loaded catseye bouquet which fixed the few issues I was having with the latest Sly bouquet 10th sept issue. I would like to have both of these bouquets loaded if this is possible. When I uploaded the catseye bouquet this took away the Sly uk 10th sept bouquet Thanks Alan

Sorry forgot to mention using VIX Team image

21-09-10, 18:34

check Menue -> Setup -> System -> Customize ->
and set " Enable multible bouquets" to yes

21-09-10, 18:44
This is already enabled but if I were to load Sly UK the ctaseye bouquet will diisapear

21-09-10, 19:49
catseye is not a bouquet, it is multiple bouquets and so it is called settings.

a bouquet is one list of channels grouped together, u can think of it as favourites list. what u need to do is to combine both catseye and sly together then send the out coming to the box

21-09-10, 20:03
How do I combine both using DBedit Thanks Alan

21-09-10, 20:14
here you go (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?411-How-to-copy-and-paste-bouquets-from-different-settings-packs)

21-09-10, 20:41
Thanks for the info but not that straight foward to use can you give me a few pointers Thanks

21-09-10, 21:32
ok easiest thing to do is to open each settings package in its own window A & B.

you want to move from A to B so here is how

go to B, create a new bouquet and name it whatever u like
now go to A, highlight what u want to copy to B, right click and select copy
go to B, in the created bouquet right click and choose paste.
save and ftp to ur box :)

22-09-10, 09:32
Think I got it now created the new Bouquet will put it to the test tonight Thanks for your help

22-09-10, 22:32
or if you are using 'DreamBoxEidt' you can use the menu item 'Import --> Import User Bouquet File'.