View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] ipk file

15-12-12, 14:20
hi all i am haveing trouble installing this file

1 where do i get it from ?
2 how do i install it ?

i have gone into soft cam manager and i have green to install but there is nothing there to install , when i hit the yellow button ipk extra , it comes up with a message you have not selected a buck up location

thanks for any help on this

15-12-12, 14:26
What are you trying to do/install exactly? What ipk file you trying to install?

15-12-12, 14:30
there does not seem to be a list of files to install when i enter the menu cccam etc version

15-12-12, 14:32
A little more information would be useful - which IPK are you trying to install and what image?

15-12-12, 14:39
to be honest i do not know as i am new to linux and i do not understand what ipk is , i am useing a vix iamage , i have had some trouble with the vu as it keeps crashing , i think it is me putting things in the wrong place

internet package kernal

15-12-12, 14:48
Which IPK are you trying to install tho? Are you trying to install softcam? Need a little more info for someone to help you

15-12-12, 14:49
hi all i am haveing trouble installing this file

1 where do i get it from ?
2 how do i install it ?

i have gone into soft cam manager and i have green to install but there is nothing there to install , when i hit the yellow button ipk extra , it comes up with a message you have not selected a buck up location

thanks for any help on this
A "ipk" is a file name extension m8,, you need to know what you want to install.. then get it as a IPK file..put it in temp folder via FTP,, then install it using installer, hope that helps abit, cheers satcat

15-12-12, 14:50
For VIX, you need to put the IPK in the /TMP folder via FTP programme.

Than Blue button press>VIX>Install local extensions and green to install - if you have done the above correct you will see the IPK file in there

15-12-12, 14:53
You first need to obtain the relevant .ipk file. You can get all compatible softcam ipk installers from the ViX image download site.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

15-12-12, 15:17
i have gone inot menu > vix> install local extensions > but that page is blank , i hit the green button and nothings happens , yellow button extra ipk , a meassage comes up > it seems you have not set up a extra loction , please set up in back up manager , this is as far as i have got

15-12-12, 15:22
You need to put the IPK file in the TMP folder on the box first.
You need to use something like filezilla or WINSCP to do this.

Also have you looked in menu>plugins>download and seen if its already in the feeds?

15-12-12, 15:26
downloade the file e2 plugin softcam oscam_1.207 , went to winscp to ftp to tmp , but it goes to var / volatile/tmp and get a message Real path and requested remote path do not match: "/var/volatile/tmp/" "/tmp/"
Copying files to remote side failed.

15-12-12, 15:40
downloade the file e2 plugin softcam oscam_1.207 , went to winscp to ftp to tmp , but it goes to var / volatile/tmp and get a message Real path and requested remote path do not match: "/var/volatile/tmp/" "/tmp/"
Copying files to remote side failed.

/tmp and /var/volatile/tmp are the same location.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Rob van der Does
15-12-12, 16:43
As this turns out to be about ViX and not about a specific STB, I moved this thread to the appropriate section.

18-12-12, 20:11
i tried that , but the files where not in the list to select , i got round this by installing a plug in called software manager which picked up the files from the var/volatile /tmp and installed them , and all working good now , thanks for the help on this, just thought i would update you

thanks again :thumbsup: