View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] zapping back and forward question

11-12-12, 21:19
hi, latest vix image, how to make the < and > perform like before
what i mean is zapping without the pop up screen to show the history

11-12-12, 21:44
i was told we cant now its built in, wish there were a option to enable and disable it cos i liked the old way.

12-12-12, 01:02
i was told we cant now its built in, wish there were a option to enable and disable it cos i liked the old way.

i'll see what i can do (maybe add the old way to LONG < >)

12-12-12, 01:04
Nice solution if it can be done Andy.
Although, once you get used to the new way, it's a nice feature...

12-12-12, 02:59
Ah was just gonna start a thread.

Don't like it, just gets in the way (more button presses to achieve the same thing) would prefer an option to disable it altogether if possible

Rob van der Does
12-12-12, 07:08
Don't like it, just gets in the way (more button presses to achieve the same thing) would prefer an option to disable it altogether if possible
Only if you want to go one channel back or forth; in all other cases you have (far) less key-presses (plus the certainty to go to the desired channel)

12-12-12, 08:27
Interesting. When I asked about this last week I was told to put up with it or use another image. It wasn't going to be changed because it would could make the image more bloated and unstable.

I got quite angry and rude on the thread and it was locked but it seems that it can be changed after all depending on who asks.

Rob van der Does
12-12-12, 09:34
...... but it seems that it can be changed after all depending on who asks.
Why do you think 'it can be changed'?
I read something completely different:

i'll see what i can do ....

12-12-12, 09:38
The full comment from AndyBlac was "i'll see what i can do (maybe add the old way to LONG < >) " which would seem to me to be suggesting a way to change it.

Rob van der Does
12-12-12, 10:16
The full comment from AndyBlac was "i'll see what i can do (maybe add the old way to LONG < >) " which would seem to me to be suggesting a way to change it.
As I said seeing what can be done is something completely different from 'it can be changed'. Don't twist words, but be happy that Andy wants to do that.

12-12-12, 10:25
As I said seeing what can be done is something completely different from 'it can be changed'. Don't twist words, but be happy that Andy wants to do that.

The point I was trying to make was that last week when I questioned it I was told "no way, no how". Now it is at least being considered. If it doesn't get changed then at least I know that it the developer/administrator saying this and not just a presumption that is can't/won't be on your part.

Mr. Mister
12-12-12, 10:29
Interesting. When I asked about this last week I was told to put up with it or use another image.

Hi buddy.. I very much doubt that any of the team told you to use another image..

Been part of this forum since almost day one.. and i have never ever seen anything like that posted on this forum..

12-12-12, 10:32
Hi buddy.. I very much doubt that any of the team told you to use another image..

Been part of this forum since almost day one.. and i have never ever seen anything like that posted on this forum..

Well Pheonix said on my locked thread

"We take a great deal of time and user input into consideration when deciding on changes to be made to the image and those changes are not always going to be to some peoples liking, we regret that but if we made multiple choice actions for every single button press the image would be falling over it self in both size and failure rates.

These changes like all we do are made for user friendliness, i am not dismissing your plea but if the image is not to your liking maybe its time to try another ?."

and then followed up with

"as i said if your unhappy then your more than welcome to try a different image, we cant please every one."

12-12-12, 11:51
Well Pheonix said on my locked thread

"We take a great deal of time and user input into consideration when deciding on changes to be made to the image and those changes are not always going to be to some peoples liking, we regret that but if we made multiple choice actions for every single button press the image would be falling over it self in both size and failure rates.

These changes like all we do are made for user friendliness, i am not dismissing your plea but if the image is not to your liking maybe its time to try another ?."

and then followed up with

"as i said if your unhappy then your more than welcome to try a different image, we cant please every one."

yes and i stand by that post. we cant very well tailor the image to each individual user no matter how much they complain about it, at some point your just going to have to accept thats how things are done.

Rob van der Does
12-12-12, 12:15
we cant very well tailor the image to each individual user no matter how much they complain about it, at some point your just going to have to accept thats how things are done.
Hear, hear!

12-12-12, 12:18
yes and i stand by that post. we cant very well tailor the image to each individual user no matter how much they complain about it, at some point your just going to have to accept thats how things are done.

Except they are not done that way. AndyBlac has said he will look at it. He may decide that he is not going to do anything about it and I respect that. What happened was that I was told it was not going to be considered at all only for someone else with the same complaint to be told it might be. How frustrating do you think that is......

12-12-12, 12:29
Except they are not done that way. AndyBlac has said he will look at it. He may decide that he is not going to do anything about it and I respect that. What happened was that I was told it was not going to be considered at all only for someone else with the same complaint to be told it might be. How frustrating do you think that is......

At the time i made my replies to your original thread there was no intention of reverting this change at all, hence my reply to you, I also decided to lock that thread as it was clear you were more interested in creating a fuss than any thing else. if andy has now decided to do something else then thats his decision as it's his image. at the end of the day i really dont care as i dont use either version. if i want to go to a channel i key in the number or go through the EPG.

12-12-12, 12:38
At the time i made my replies to your original thread there was no intention of reverting this change at all, hence my reply to you, I also decided to lock that thread as it was clear you were more interested in creating a fuss than any thing else. if andy has now decided to do something else then thats his decision as it's his image. at the end of the day i really dont care as i dont use either version. if i want to go to a channel i key in the number or go through the EPG.

If you made the comments about it not being reverted after confirmation from Andy then I have nothing to complain about. If you made the statements without confirmation from Andy then I think I had every right to create a fuss.

12-12-12, 12:48
If you made the comments about it not being reverted after confirmation from Andy then I have nothing to complain about. If you made the statements without confirmation from Andy then I think I had every right to create a fuss.

This is exactly the reason i closed your last thread as you seem to always want to get the last word in, personally i could care less if this feature is left as is, or reverted but if you continue to make pointless replies just for the sake of it i will again lock this thread

12-12-12, 12:53
You can leave the thread open as it wasn't my thread to start with and I will no longer post in here.

14-12-12, 09:58
I'd like the option to use the history in the old way too please. I quite often just switch between two channels which are on different bouquets i.e. whilst watching sport and it was a easy way to switch quickly.

I know i could add the channels to a favourites bouquet, but that would mean redoing it if i reload a channel list.

Rob van der Does
14-12-12, 10:29
I'd like the option to use the history in the old way too please. I quite often just switch between two channels which are on different bouquets i.e. whilst watching sport and it was a easy way to switch quickly.
Albeit a bit off-topic, but what about using PiP for that? So you can follow both and (via short-blue) easy swap between the two.

14-12-12, 10:42
I'd like the option to use the history in the old way too please. I quite often just switch between two channels which are on different bouquets i.e. whilst watching sport and it was a easy way to switch quickly.

I know i could add the channels to a favourites bouquet, but that would mean redoing it if i reload a channel list.

You could use the key "0" for that. But you have to disable it as a "Panic Button". I forget where exactly this is in the menus.
Or at least it's how it worked before, I don't know if this was changed in the latest builds...


21-12-12, 15:30
I'd like the option to use the history in the old way too please. I quite often just switch between two channels which are on different bouquets i.e. whilst watching sport and it was a easy way to switch quickly.

I know i could add the channels to a favourites bouquet, but that would mean redoing it if i reload a channel list.

Option should be in the next builds, after 354...

guff daddy
22-12-12, 18:05
Option should be in the next builds, after 354...

FWIW I also would like the old use of the < and > buttons back again - mainly I use it to switch between a couple of different games, having to go into a screen and select the channel pretty much negates the usefulness, as you can always do this through the bouquet list. As a number of people have indicated they want the old version and no-one has spoken up for the new improved version, why not put the old way back and include the new version on the long press for these buttons?

23-12-12, 03:00
As a number of people have indicated they want the old version and no-one has spoken up for the new improved version, why not put the old way back and include the new version on the long press for these buttons?
Isn't what I said clear enough? using either option will have a user choice on 354+ builds.
And, I for one like 'the new improved version', when you get used to it, it works well...

Rob van der Does
23-12-12, 05:44
Isn't what I said clear enough? using either option will have a user choice on 354+ builds.
And, I for one like 'the new improved version', when you get used to it, it works well...
No idea why people prefer moaning above reading :rolleyes:

guff daddy
23-12-12, 12:29
No idea why people prefer moaning above reading :rolleyes:

You think that was moaning? Apologies, it wasn't. Rather I was pointing out that instead of having the option to have either the old way or the new way (which seemd to be what Judge was implying) that using long-press and short-press would be better, and that the long-press suited the more "menuized" History zap and the short-press suited the old quick-zap method.

You guys can be quite touchy sometimes...

Rob van der Does
23-12-12, 12:51
You guys can be quite touchy sometimes...
Yeah, thanks, sure it will be me.
How often have we stated that this is fixed in the next build?

01-08-13, 22:33
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I've only just updated to a newer version of Vix so have only just come across this 'new' feature. Was the option to switch between new and old versions for zapping back and forwards ever implemeted and if so where do I find how to change it (I've tried a long press of the < & > buttons but that doesn't seem to do anything)


01-08-13, 22:50
Menu/settings/button setup/history buttons mode set to Just Zap


01-08-13, 22:58
Perfect, thanks mate