View Full Version : [GiGaBlue HD800SE] EXT4 problem on Mac?

09-12-12, 18:22

I'm having a horrendous time trying to mount my ext4 formatted USB stick (32GB) to mount onto my Mac so I can read/write to it.

Tried various methods after Googling but I'm stuck.

Is there anyway I can tell my GigaBlue box to format my USB stick in ext2 so I can use it on my Mac?
I have a program that would use ext2 already installed so I'm hoping that might be a solution.

Unless you guys can think of a better one?


10-12-12, 16:33
yes, leave the stick on your box and install AFP on your box, (found in SETUP --> SYSTEM --> NETWORK)

this will alow you to mount the share on your mac.

just make sure the stick has full public read/write access.

11-12-12, 19:28
andyblac, thank you so much!

Such an easy solution. Didn't know AFP existed! and free as well. Was going to fork out money for software a couple days ago too!

Thanks again!

12-12-12, 11:52
andyblac, thank you so much!

Such an easy solution. Didn't know AFP existed! and free as well. Was going to fork out money for software a couple days ago too!

Thanks again!

np mate, if there is anything you need just ask.