View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] [REQ] IMDB freezing the system + miss the OK-boutton Now/Next event details :(

08-12-12, 16:01
Hello everyone,

First of all thank you for this amazing image. I have been using it since I knew about it.

Recently the Openvix 3 has come with many good changes and bad ones. Some are related to plugins (nothing to about that) but some are linked to the image itself.

So here is what is wrong with my Image (openvix-3.0.482-vusolo_usb.zip)

* After full install, the IMDB worked ONCE, then whenever I start it, it freezes the whole system, I "killall enigma2" to get the box work again.
* It seems the OK-boutton Now/Next Events is removed in recent images. It was so practical :( please bring it back.

Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.

Again, thank you for this great image.
Long live Openvix!

08-12-12, 16:22
The issues with IMDB are due to frequent changes being made on the IMDB website it self. Every time the plugin is patched they again make changes which stop the plugin working again.

As for your other issue you must turn the second info bar back on. Sorry I can't think of the correct path to do this at the moment

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

08-12-12, 16:27
2nd infobar

09-12-12, 19:08
Yes! You're right. the eventview option is still there and it work now only under the original skin. Usually I change the feeds folder and download stuff from the OpenPli servers. From version openvix-3.0.423-vusolo_usb.zip back, when you disable the second infobar, you get a full-window eventview.

I use the Blue-Shadow-HD skin. So, it seems that this option is skin related. I'll open the skin.xml and see if I can get back.

Thank you!
Have a nice day ^^