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View Full Version : How to auto turn off at a certain time on Lastest Image

07-12-12, 16:31
On past images I've always been able to set my box to go into stand by at 2am. I can find this option on the latest image, is it still possible?

thanks :)

07-12-12, 16:33
Menu >> Timers >> PowerTimers

07-12-12, 16:34
On past images I've always been able to set my box to go into stand by at 2am. I can find this option on the latest image, is it still possible?

thanks :)


Menu -> Timers -> Power Timer

The new power timers give you a lot more options and configuration compared to the older power manager. You can set multiple shutdowns, standby, autoshutdown etc etc...

This topic has been covered a few times, so for more information, then a search should yield it for you ;)

07-12-12, 16:49
thank you so much guys :)