View Full Version : Problem with my sky bouquet

07-12-12, 07:52
Hi guys,

I have a seemingly unsolvable problem.

one dish set on 28.2e
legit sky card
CCcam + Oscam (not sure that I need both to get my card to work, but it use to work like that before the current issue)

Current situation:
Some channels working like bbc, itv
some channels not working anymore like Sky sports, movies or disney channels
Some channels not working have SNR at 80+% some have it at 50% or 60%, but the same is true for channels that are ok...
If I switch to my old Grundig box all channels working fine although the Signal strength is poor but Quality is about 50%...

I have tried to update the satellite.xml with a fresh one (changed the ACL to 777), rescanned the services, updated peg, rerun autobouquets, restarted cccam and oscam, well nearly everything my limited knowledge allows me to do.

How this happened:
Previously I had issues with pixelisation on some channels like Disney channel with poor SNR at 10db, retuned the dish and got it to 13db :happy:
Then I had to unplug the box and sat feed for some decorating, re plugged everything and got myself in the present situation for no apparent reasons...

I am at a loss, please help me.

07-12-12, 09:23
Sounds to me like you have a dish alignment problem OR bad cabling because your Sig strength and quality's are a bit flaky as you say ? I would check the dish for alignment and then check all cabling to make sure its all 100%, if it seems OK then maybe the LNB is going bad so replace it for a new 1 and see if your all ok after that.

PS: what is your BER reading??? if its not 0 or very near to it then its deffo signal (alignment) or as above cable or LNB.

07-12-12, 09:29
Also check the pairing of your card is correct.

07-12-12, 09:37
Also check the pairing of your card is correct.

If he is using Oscam the card should work automatically as oscam reads the card box-id, also what dish are you using as i have had many 7+ year old single feed s*y dishes that are Knackered and have had to fit new LNB,s to them (or replace the whole dish as these old s*y LNBs are not always up-to the job.

07-12-12, 10:07
Thanks for the answers guys, :thumb up:

BER is generally zero, it can flash briefly showing any kind of number from 300 to 1400 but does not stay on more than a second.

I will try to retune the dish and test both the original box and the et9200 connected directly at the back of the dish and check the wall socket connector...

For info I am on the continent near the swiss french border.

I'll keep you posted, thanks so much.:cool:

07-12-12, 10:22
For info I am on the continent near the swiss french border.

Just a few hours away from me then ;)

07-12-12, 10:24
That depends on the speed at which you travel:D

07-12-12, 10:26
That depends on the speed at which you travel:D

[OFF TOPIC MODE]What do you drive?[/OFF TOPIC MODE]

07-12-12, 11:27
A cramjet?:D

07-12-12, 20:49
Thanks for the answers guys, :thumb up:

BER is generally zero, it can flash briefly showing any kind of number from 300 to 1400 but does not stay on more than a second.

I will try to retune the dish and test both the original box and the et9200 connected directly at the back of the dish and check the wall socket connector...

For info I am on the continent near the swiss french border.

I'll keep you posted, thanks so much.:cool:

on the ET9200 there seems to be an issue with BER always 0, so that is not a sign of dish problems
Depending on your dish size, 80 is OK for SNR, even at 50 I am picking up the new 2F channels........ So are you picking up all the FTA channels? Are you picking up any Sky paid channels?
It may be that you have a card problem, in which case messing around with the dish could give more problems. Also time to upgrade your VIX system!

07-12-12, 22:48
My dish is 60... What are this new channels? I think I have lost all the pay channels but they use to work fine (last week) before I unplugged my box... The card works fine in the sky box...
Which ver of Vix should I update to, if I did so? and also do I need CCcam as well as Oscam and in which ver if I update the Vix?
At the mo it's snowing buckets so I'll wait for a respite next week and check the signal at the back of the dish then.:rolleyes:

13-12-12, 09:11
Ok guys,

Thanks so much with all the input. Here are the latest development in this rather annoying issue:mad:

As I am still decorating the lounge, a few days ago I unplugged the box from the wall socket ad rewired the wall socket.

FYI my cabling is coax from the LNB to a coax -> ethernet converter (the latest regulation in France requires you to have only one type of socket for all your communications needs in the habitation) the ethernet cable is a cat 3 mtvs sat with the brown pair being a special one covering the satellite bandwidth. There is then a balun to convert the impedance to the right one for the STB.

So I redid the Cat 6 RJ45 connector. And oh surprise! the Disney channel was showing, I didn't check all the other missing ones as my daughter was hogging the TV but I am fairly confident they all were working.

Unfortunately, this didn't last and all of a sudden, the same issue as previously described occurred again:rolleyes:

So it's back to the Grundig Sky box, where I must stress all the channels are working fine! This morning just for fun (not!) I switched back to the et9200 to watch bbc breakfast, all is fine for a while and then the screen goes blank, the info bar and the STB display say DVB service, SNR is at zero, Sat finder show zero and unlocked but when I switch to the predefined transponder it shows 13.1 db...

I am seriously starting to think that this box is faulty.

Any input? how does xtrend support works?

BTW the signal strength on the sky box is not low but quality is just above mid point and all the channel are showing, not pixelisation or any issue...