View Full Version : [TM-2T] New TM-2T ViX Team OE 3.0 Release Discussion

04-12-12, 19:09

Brand new VIX Image - TM-2T

05/12/2012 - OpenViX 3.0.482
Vix Team is proud to present
an all new full featured Vix image for the

Kernel Version: 3.5.3
Drivers: 08-11-2012


Graphics and Text mode available.
Video Playback
All EPG screens now available while watching a recording, for easy switching back to Live TV or setting timers.
Channel Selection
Support added to change font sizes and number of rows.
Support added to have a 3rd event showing (Skin Dependent)
Support added to display start time and end time for all events shown.
EPG Selection
Added help screen to all epg selection screens.
Added support to change font sizes and number of rows.
Language Selection
Added English (UK) to available languages.
Added support for English (UK).
You may now sort Menus, Settings and Plugin Browser alphabetically.
Network Browser
Uses less memory during Scan.
Moved to new Setup Mounts screen.
New style webif now accessed using default port 80
Old style webif still available if required for use with certain PC signal meters and Fancontrol 2
About Screen
Added network info.
As part of streamlining the image, removed NFS, AFP, Samba, OpenVPN, Inadyn, MiniDLNA & uShare from default image (can now be installed/de-installed through Network setup screen)
On Screen Hints
Now available as options are selected.
Instant Record
from channel list, EPG or current channel.
Enhanced Movie List Features
It is now optional to play next movie, when the a movie reaches end, setup in menu of movie selection screen.
Latest Drivers 08/11/12.
Loads of under the hood changes made for a smoother user experience.

Button Mappings

Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
Long Red ** & *** - Sort single EPG info when in channel list.
Short Green** & *** - Timers.
Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
Long Yellow*** - Instant IMDB Database search on the current programme.
Short Blue - Extensions.
Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Up/Down** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
TV Button** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long TV Button - Open Bouquets List.
** Can be changed in ViX Menu
*** Can be turned off in ViX Menu

Special Thanks

rytec - for his continued support.
Ocram for his Picon sets
All developers for their plugins used in the feeds of this image.
All of the ViX Beta team for their hours of testing and dedication on getting this image working.
Rob van der Does, belierzz, rimas, Henkka, raivo, eesatfan, Zartmy, Trial & june8 for their translation work
Huevos for his work on blindscan
Markus625 for skin ViXBMC

Note: Not all 3rd party plugins have been tested or are guaranteed to be compatable.

If anyone is interested in doing any translation work for the plugins and the image itself, please contact either Andy or Sicilian


Stable release download HERE (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?23841-New-TM-2T-ViX-Team-OE-3-0-Release)

Download site for Latest Open Vix Builds HERE (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=TM-2T/) (Beta's)

05-12-12, 12:31
Feedback here please :)

24-01-13, 14:06
Hi Guys

I'm making some great progress reading though the forums as to getting my Technomate Tm-T2 set up that I received today. However I'm having two probs I cant seem to sort...

Firstly I have scanned for channels and whilst doing so all the channels listed etc but once complete my EPG is empty and i get a message on screen that reads "SID not found in PAT" or something along those lines.

Secondly I have installed the oscam-7969+cccam-213-vix_oe2_all.ipk but I havent added a .cfg file to the /etc/ folder as I dont know how to A) make one or B) get the right one off the net?

As you may tell im new to this so any help is greatly recieved.


24-01-13, 14:18
Hi Guys

I'm making some great progress reading though the forums as to getting my Technomate Tm-T2 set up that I received today. However I'm having two probs I cant seem to sort...

Firstly I have scanned for channels and whilst doing so all the channels listed etc but once complete my EPG is empty and i get a message on screen that reads "SID not found in PAT" or something along those lines.

Secondly I have installed the oscam-7969+cccam-213-vix_oe2_all.ipk but I havent added a .cfg file to the /etc/ folder as I dont know how to A) make one or B) get the right one off the net?

As you may tell im new to this so any help is greatly recieved.


Moved to the correct thread.

This may help you http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?8704-How-to-Install-CCcam-MGCamd-amp-other-softcam-s-on-ALL-ViX-supported-Enigma-2-Receivers

Not sure where you got that ipk file. Look ere http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=ViX-Softcams/

24-01-13, 14:57
I've already read both links and here is my problem...

The walk through guide is great however it doesnt explain how to MAKE or where to download your CCcam.cfg from? I know how to transfer via FTP etc

The links to all the .ipk's is great but which one do I install? or all of them?

27-01-13, 20:41
All sorted now thanks to another thread. Thanks

However I have lots of channels that are blank on the EPG? Any ideas?

I have all programmes on channels 1-4 but 5 is blank so is Sly 1 and so on...yet they work

27-01-13, 22:34
Admin can I upload a basic CCCam.cfg or would that be against forum rules :confused:

I know anything to do with CCCam is a grey area so any input would be appreciated. If its OK i will upload a basic clean config file later on. If its something that goes against the forum rules then i wont :D


18-11-13, 11:21
Hi I notice this thread is pretty old. Would like to revive it. I have one of these machines with firmware version 3.0.789, kernal 3.5.3, gui 15-11-2013. So pretty up to date. Firstly I must say there is not much help from technomate support on any issues and I can't find this machine on their support page.
I noticed on another thread 07-09-13 that there were some issues with drivers and Vix team not getting help from technomate. Has this been rectified? Would like to know if there are still issues with technomate drivers.

I also would like to know if others are finding problems with vobsub subtitles. These don't play on my machine although .srt one are fine. The vobsub whether external .sub or internal in mkv/mp4 play fine on standalone media player. This a major for me since I watch a lot of subtitle films.

18-11-13, 11:33
All is good in the technomate camp. Drivers are sorted, vix image sorted.

Sent by pressing buttons.

18-11-13, 18:54
Good to hear. Now for the second part

I also would like to know if others are finding problems with vobsub subtitles. These don't play on my machine although .srt ones are fine. The vobsub whether external .sub or internal in mkv/mp4 play fine on standalone media player but don't play on tm-2t. I am streaming films from pc. This a major for me since I watch a lot of subtitle films.