View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Initial Questions - Duo

03-12-12, 14:20
Initial Questions/Clarification
My Set up is (replacing SkyHD) VU+ Du (Vix)ordered last week, with 500Gb external Samsung USB HDD.

• Fan Noise – very loud – fan/air noise. Its mounted in an open glass shelf unit, so it’s not hot. But I guess noise could be amplified as the air is sent to the back wall. I need to resolve this. Has anyone got a silent fan recommendation? Many on here seem to say the fan can be disconnected with ill effect. My HDD is currently mounted outside, but it looks like the fan is for extracting heat from the PSU side of things. Is there a way of monitoring internal temperature? Any suggestions…?
• My Tuner B in Sat Finder seems to be jumping around with its signal, as low as 2.5db – I suspect the LNB. I have not moved the inputs around yet, to prove LNB/Tuner input. But when SkyHD box went back in both signals were 90% on Signal and Quality. Does anyone have a Quad LNB recommendation with a good match for this Duo – choice seemed limited on this site.
• I followed some instructions on here for Picons, it seemed to work to a USB stick. But later the box seemed to think the USB Stick was the HDD for programs, and I resorted to only USB HDD and no USD Stick. I assume the Picons could be installed to the USB HDD without the stick – any pointers?

I am not up to speed with the new language yet – Bouquets are flowers still. Thanks for any help….


03-12-12, 14:53
I have 2 duo boxes and no problem what so ever with fan noise....so may be yours could possibly be faulty.
Picons can be placed in hdd no problem but people don't recommend it as it means you're hdd will be on the go all the time when you change channel and such.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

03-12-12, 15:16
You say noisy fan, are you sure its not your HDD making the noise or your being too sensitive to it?

Rob van der Does
03-12-12, 15:16
Moved to the correct section.

03-12-12, 15:37
It occurred even before the USB HDD was connected, and stopped when the fan was unplugged momentarily.

I have set the Fan with basic Control, which now at least stops immediately the unit is in Standby. I think it used to overun (but may have been recording).

I am pretty sensitive to fan noise (read fussy) - since iI replaced my PS3 with a Oppo 93 Bray player (fanless), all is well. SkyHD is being replaced (fans noisy-ish, with HDD noise too).

03-12-12, 15:53
Then turn your TV volume up........:D

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

03-12-12, 15:57
That won't reduce the fan noise :p

But thanks for the HDD and picons tip - that, at least makes sense. :)

03-12-12, 22:22
Anybody got an LNB recommendation to suit this box?

03-12-12, 23:54
I am also trying to feed a signal from the Duo upstairs. Currently HDMI goes to AVR downstairs. I also have an rf modulator to capture the composite and analogue output left/right audio from the Duo, and combine it with an aerial signal.

I get HD Freview upstairs, but on the analogue tv tuner, I only get the composite coming through, no audio.

It looks like the Audio is not being output - is there something I have to do to enable this?

(I have tried a different RF modulator, and Scart to Composite/audio with a different cable - no luck).

Thanks for any comments.

04-12-12, 14:06
Anybody got any comments:-
Composite - no audio?

05-12-12, 13:36
I guess no one has advice on this one.

05-12-12, 14:32
When it comes to LNBs it depends what you are trying to receive.

If you are trying to receive UK Astra2 channels from within the UK you can probably get away with any universal LNB. You need to make sure that the LNB matches the dish mounting.

For receiving marginal channels the Inverto Blac Ultras have a good reputation. So far my MTI LNBs have not given me any trouble.

05-12-12, 21:51
This happened to me, I noticed with the top cover off the fan was back to normal noise level put the cover back on level raised again. Sorted this by installing anti vibration washers between fan and back panel, you can get them off eBay.

05-12-12, 22:44
When it comes to LNBs it depends what you are trying to receive.

If you are trying to receive UK Astra2 channels from within the UK you can probably get away with any universal LNB. You need to make sure that the LNB matches the dish mounting.

For receiving marginal channels the Inverto Blac Ultras have a good reputation. So far my MTI LNBs have not given me any trouble.

Thanks, I have started looking, and it looks like the bracket is the trickiest bit. Sorry for my naivity - I am just replacing Sky. I forget the scope of these forums is much wider :)

05-12-12, 22:55
This happened to me, I noticed with the top cover off the fan was back to normal noise level put the cover back on level raised again. Sorted this by installing anti vibration washers between fan and back panel, you can get them off eBay.

I have nothing on top of the unit, but the solidity of the chassis might be having an affect. The noise could be vibration, rather than air flow.

The unit came with some vibration washers, I assumed for HDD. I have not used these yet. Did you have to remove the PSU board to get the fan out? If you have a link to the wshers you refer to, that'd be great.

For anyone passing through here, I have measured the power usage on this with a power meter. Considering my unit is only in use 4 hours a day, I am glad I checked.

Power in Use: Quoted spec -25w - my measurement 45w
Power in Standby: Quoted spec - 20w - my measurement 30w (still powers LNB)
Deep Standby - quoted spec less than 1 w - 0w (too low to measure). This has a 1 minute boot time penalty though...


06-12-12, 01:03
Hi, I took the back panel off, I think it was two nuts for the inputs and 5 screws then mounted the fan to the panel and replaced. eBay item no. 200831883069 for 2 mm vibration washers. They will be the same as the hdd ones you have.

06-12-12, 08:39
Hit the audio button on the VU remote and see if changing to digital downmix on does anything (red button)

I used an RF modulator when I had a DUO and it worked perfect with the scrat socket. Have you had the modulator working before with any other box?
What does the modulator put out? There are a few different versions of PAL and some TV's don't pick up the audio on one of them (multi-standard ones do) if you have picture and no sound it might be worth looking at your modulator to see if there is a PAL version switch and try that. Failing that try and retune the TV and look at the settings :thumbsup:
When I used a scart I just plugged it in, no setting up was needed.

I am now using the same modulator on a Gigablue Quad but as that has no scart I now use composite outs.

As for LNB, any universal twin or quad type will be fine :D just make sure it has a low db rating.

06-12-12, 08:43
For receiving marginal channels the Inverto Blac Ultras have a good reputation.

I've had two crap out on me ;)
They work great in the winter but give problems in the summer when they heat up in the sunlight.
With one of mine the 22khz stopped working so I could only get the lower band.
The other just stopped working.

Good with weak signals? YES reliable? Nope :(

09-12-12, 01:46
Hit the audio button on the VU remote and see if changing to digital downmix on does anything (red button).

I had tried two different modulators, but same model number, with the same result. I am happy to say your idea about changing to downmix worked. Well, I say happy, I mean I understand what is going on. I now need to think of a way round this.

Thanks for your help...

11-12-12, 01:27
A couple of more questions, if you don't mind:-

Pan and Scan, Just Scale, and Letterbox mode - I have played about with these settings, and I am not entirely happy.

Has any one got any definitions of what is happening with each, ie how the box is treating the incoming signal? I have noticed jerky/choppy pictures at times. Slow pans horizontally are worst affected. It can be seen with football during goal kicks etc.

Resolution - I have it to 1080i letting my TV convert to Progressive. Which should be fine for HD content. But does this setting upscale SD content to 1080i as well? I am not sure which scaler is in this Duo, but a "native", unprocessed option, would be better. Again, any pointers on where to go for this info would be great.

VIX upgrade today - I seem to have lost the ability to schedule the Deep Standby. I was sure it was in the Vix settings under Power Manager. Any ideas?

Thanks, Wayne.

Rob van der Does
11-12-12, 07:18
Pan and Scan, Just Scale, and Letterbox mode - I have played about with these settings, and I am not entirely happy.

Has any one got any definitions of what is happening with each, ie how the box is treating the incoming signal? I have noticed jerky/choppy pictures at times. Slow pans horizontally are worst affected. It can be seen with football during goal kicks etc.
Be aware that an HD-service won't be able to be influenced by this setting (as the signal is always 16:9).

Resolution - I have it to 1080i letting my TV convert to Progressive. Which should be fine for HD content. But does this setting upscale SD content to 1080i as well? I am not sure which scaler is in this Duo, but a "native", unprocessed option, would be better. Again, any pointers on where to go for this info would be great.
Yes: the selected output applies to all contents.
You can use the AutoReolution plugin for having the output matched to the contents.

VIX upgrade today - I seem to have lost the ability to schedule the Deep Standby. I was sure it was in the Vix settings under Power Manager. Any ideas?
Powermanager has been replaced by PowerTimers.

16-12-12, 23:02
Thanks for all the help - I am getting there.......

My Duo seems quieter with the attached silicone Zalman pins on the fan.

I have started looking at dreamboxedit to edit bouquets. But everytime I download, directly selecting channels are out by 100.

i.e. select 101 for BCC HD, and get 201 Syfy.

I worked this out to be because I had moved "interactive and anytime" bouquet from the top of the "TV Use Bouquets" to the bottom (I don't like these near the top).

So I guess my question is how these lists work - i there an offset I need to change to get channels aligned.

Just to be clear, the bouquet menus worked fine, it was just the directly input RC commands that are selecting the wrong channels. Any pointers?:confused:

Rob van der Does
17-12-12, 04:26
Did you use DBE

17-12-12, 08:54
I think it was version 3 - somebody else gave me the link. I have since downloaded the version you mention, but not checked if that resolved (wasn't expecting it to be the software, thought it was me).

18-12-12, 16:18
I have tried that version of dbedit, and it still does not aligns directly input channel numbers coorectly.
So 101 now brings up channel 172. Again, it is OK if using the EPG or Bouquets. is there an explanantion of how these things work or are linked?

I am missing something simple here - ideas anyone?

Rob van der Does
18-12-12, 16:50
What's the point of using a settingseditor in relation to ABM?
As I said before"use any settingeditor you want to make your personal settings and when uploaded to the box let ABM do the hard work.

18-12-12, 22:29
I wasn't referring to ABM - as I have not been able to get that working.

I was just trying to do things manually. I am happy to get either working - is there anywhere I can go to read more on the specific reason why the direct input RC channel is offset?

To reiterate, I have restored a version which works, pulled it up to DBE, and pushed it back. And it fails. Last time out by 73 channels.

The ABM issue is clearer21918. It crashes at 698 on video, about 80% complete. I get the spinning Vix, and box needs to be rebooted. It did this on the day ABM was released too, so I thought I would let things settle. and work on Plan A.

Any input appreciated...thanks :-)


18-12-12, 22:37
can you upload your crash log please?

18-12-12, 23:08
Crash - I should have said "locked up" - I was forced to do a restart. The logs date say none of them are from today. Any use?

Rob van der Does
19-12-12, 06:43
Crash - I should have said "locked up" - I was forced to do a restart. The logs date say none of them are from today. Any use?
Then please enable the debuglogs (restart E2 when done) and post it here.

19-12-12, 23:20
Hopefully the log is attached

Rob van der Does
20-12-12, 06:10
What I see in your log is:
1- the plugin VPS crashes the box after changing the resolution;
2- a failure to mount // on /media/net/movies.

What I don't see is AutoBouquetsmaker doing a scan.

Regarding ABM taking a long time: in the next build (build 531) there is a fix for that.

20-12-12, 22:45
Is this log any different?

I am not sure why there was nothing in the log, if this is the same, I will try and duplicate the ABM scan and capture again.

I have disabled VPS, but not uninstalled it. I don't think it is necessary for my setup. And the Netshare issue is a work in progress, so will remove that.

Thanks for looking. My box is flashing for an update, got to do that soon too. But watching TV at the moment - my missus said thats what it is for.....if only.

Rob van der Does
20-12-12, 22:58
I..... But watching TV at the moment - my missus said thats what it is for.....if only.
Is that so? My boxes are only seldom used for watching telly :)

21-12-12, 07:25
Was there anything in that log related to locking up when running ABM?

Rob van der Does
21-12-12, 07:50
Was there anything in that log related to locking up when running ABM?
No, but again a crash related to VPS. So that may be the reason of a problem. Please try again once VPS has been deleted (and GUI restarted).

22-12-12, 00:26
I started with a new image, to clean up VPS etc. The ABM installs ok now, seems great.

I still have a question on this:- the bouquets appear to have unusual channel numbers displayed. It doesn't bother or affect my use, as I just select, or remember the correct number. But I'm curious why they are different.

Another, more important one for me, Colour Space within Video Enhancements. I am from the school of "it's an HD Source, less processing the better", so I have most things at default. However, an explanation of the EDID (Auto) default setting would be good.

I calibrate my own display, and this is done to 709 Standard, which appears to be one of the options.

Thanks for any info/help in this area.... :)

23-12-12, 12:36
Anyone got info on the EDID versus ITU R BT 709 settings?

23-12-12, 12:48
And a new issue - never seen before Build 534 - but might be a simple one for those in the know.

I am getting white lines at the edge of the screen, on both playback and broadcast TV. If comes in slowly, and gradually fades away too. Then comes back a few minutes later to cycle through again. Very annoying.

I have tried various settings, no change.

An HDMI handshake (change of resolution etc, or switch a device off/on) sees it disappear straight away.

But it keeps coming back.

You noticed anything?

My setup - VU+Duo feeds the Onkyo AVR809 (In Video bypass) - to Pioneer TV. I only have this issue with the Duo, no other sources.

23-12-12, 22:06
I believe it is the broadcaster and is why manufacturers implement overscan so you don't see it. It doesn't bother me and I don't get it on all channels.

23-12-12, 22:32
This is not the usual moving black/white signalling often seen at the top right prior to adverts. It was pretty static, getting wider as in came in from the side of the screen. Usually left/right and bottom.

I went back in and defaulted the User Interface Settings with the yellow button, and it has gone. I got similar issues with AutoResolution previously, and I think it is something to do with the scaler implementation.

I think the UserInterface overlay was causing a problem - I had adjusted these, with transparency too, and now default values do not give the issue. Strangely, I put similar values back in to duplicate the issue, and it didn't return.

23-12-12, 22:53
I have not seen any feedback on EDID versus 709. Considering my observations above, I am looking for info on the setting :-
System>Video Enhancements>Colour Space
Which has these Parameters

EDID (Auto)
Itu R BT 709
DVI Full Range RGB
Best Fit

I know the technical definition of some of these, but find some of them within Colour Space really strange (last 4).
Anyone shed any light?

My goal would be for the Duo to output the natively transmitted resolution, and I will take care of upscaling out of this box. But when the Colour Space setting looks like it might have an affect too, then I need to know more to make the right decisions. Thanks,


Rob van der Does
24-12-12, 04:21
I know the technical definition of some of these, but find some of them within Colour Space really strange (last 4).
Same here......
Anyway: I have used all options and none of them seemed to be making any difference. To me it looks like as if this feature is being advertised by the drivers but in fact not supported at all.

24-12-12, 13:13
Thanks for your input - I am not sure how much influence the Vix software settings can have, but some of the scaling issues / white lines I am getting is very strange.

I restarted the box today with the largest white lines so far. When I brought up the overlay, it perfectly matched where the lines start from.

I have again reset to default, but I am missing the edge of the overlay then.



15-01-13, 22:38
My Pioneer Kuro 8th Gen TV, which is 1024x768 resolution, is having difficulty with the Duo.

It does NOT have an overscan feature to turn off. It's internal scaler is designed to be used to matc/upscale the incoming signal to the panel - but something wierd is happening only with the Duo.

The Duo overlay is missing at the edges, and whenever I try using the User Interface to reduce the overlay, it seems to bring the white lines I have posted in a few images here already. I suspect the scaler in the Duo is wrong, in that it seems to affect the picture size, whenever the overlay is reduced.

Secondly, I also think the Duo image exhibits poor panning performance. The image tears, or drags and blurs the image during medium or higher speed camera panning. Sports is particularly poor, reducing a clear sharp image for static images, to blurred ones during typical footage.

I am considering my options for both of the above - any suggestions? I have read a few posts suggesting Blackhole has a better PQ - any truth in this?

I would appreciate info on understanding how the Duo processes the signal, which scaler it uses etc, and anybody with knowledge in this area on these forms who is responsible for software - which might be able to come up with a fix.

Please don't suggest a new TV, it is not a problem with other HD tuners (eg Samsung Sky HD). :)

Rob van der Does
16-01-13, 06:31
My Pioneer Kuro 8th Gen TV, which is 1024x768 resolution, is having difficulty with the Duo.....
That's a weird resolution: isn't it an HD TV then?
Anyway: it's really worth trying to disable the overscan of any TV. If Google doesn't help here, your retailer or manufacturer might.

27-01-13, 11:38
I am resigned to leaving the User Interface>Position Settings to default, else the white lines issue returns.

I am also seeing occassional juddery motion. Currently watch Tennis on BBC HD, and the players occasionally freeze/judder for 1/4 second or so. I can help think it is to do with the Duo processing somehow, scaling.

Does anybody else get this?
or can explain the video chain processing going on, and whether there is a way of bypassing it(even just as diagnosis). I realise it may be in the video chain, but I need to start somewhere.

I have tried AutoResolution, but it is OT clear to me. Any links for further reading? Thanks for any suggestions.