View Full Version : Overseas phone call scam

02-12-12, 12:37
I noticed a missed call a few weeks ago from asia. As I know somone who is presently in asia, I naturally thought the call was from this person and that they must have come in to some difficulties or other, well you would, wouldnt you?
So I rang back and some kind of answering service replied.
It went on a bit so eventually, I rang off, not leaving a message, in fact not getting to the point where "you can speak after the beeb" was announced.
Later in the evening, I tried again - same thing.
Bill comes in a few weeks later and theres an extra few quid charged for some "service" or other overseas!! I had actually rang a service just for a few minites that was an expensive scam - you ring them - then they wallop you with high service & connection charges.

Yesterday the same number appeared again and by chance I saw the local news which confirmed my suspisions, it was indeed a telephone scam.

So if anyone gets such a call, dont follow it up, it'll cost.

03-12-12, 08:28
If your on Virgin, then think about moving over to a VOIP phone. Save yourself a bundle every year as no line rental and its pay as you go :)

03-12-12, 23:16
Another scam you need to be careful of at this time of the year is the "missed delivery" card and call back, buggers charge you over £15.

TBH ofcam should tell the frigging telco to bar any line that charges more than £1.50 - got to keep the porn junkies going:D