View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Enable Multi Bouquets / Channel selection configuration

abu baniaz
29-11-12, 23:45
I was reading the sgt flip flop thread. Let's wish him well.

I came across the following:
"On Dreambox make sure Multi Bouquets are ticked (Menu>Setup>System>Customize>Expert>Enable Multi Bouquets-YES)"

I can get to the "Enable multiple bouquets" option by pressing "Menu" whilst in the bouquet list and it brings up "Channel selection configuration"

I am on 454 on the TM Twin. Is their a direct way to get to this setting other than the method I mentioned? (I appreciate the images are different and options are not going to match.)

Mr. Mister
29-11-12, 23:58
Hi buddy..

I got this each time i ftp a new set bouquets to my Quad..

When asked this in dreambox edit.. if you click ok.. when asked this.. All the bouquets go in as normal..

TBH.. I have never looked at this setting as its obviously alot quicker to just click ok..