View Full Version : Formating HDD in " ext3"

16-09-10, 18:52

How do we format HDD in ext3 in windows and pc.


16-09-10, 19:23
use partition manager / partition magic or get yourself a copy of Hirens BootCD and use the HDD utilities.


16-09-10, 21:44
can the vu+ do this? or am i going to have to do it in my windows pc.
or even go to the trouble of installing unbuntu on a spare pc to format this drive.

the box can do the format right?

hard drive is coming tomorrow...

16-09-10, 21:51
Box can do it.

16-09-10, 22:00
can the vu+ do this? or am i going to have to do it in my windows pc.
or even go to the trouble of installing unbuntu on a spare pc to format this drive.

the box can do the format right?

hard drive is coming tomorrow...

Also, if the box couldn't do it, no need to install ubuntu or anything, just use a live cd. I use slax iso, which is perfect...

17-09-10, 02:42
what happened to the good old day's when on DB's you had a choice to select the different formats, ie ext3 ext2 resierfs and on and on went the list.

for some reason it seemed that this method was dispensed with and we now get just the "plain vanilla" type and thats it, mind you even now i dont fully know what system we're using on the Duo.

it seems to me that i can format the pen to fat32 not sure about the HDD though.

regards: canthackit

17-09-10, 12:55
can i ask...when i download slax iso do i then have to burn it to a disc and use it that way or can i just run it from my desktop and format external hdd that way