View Full Version : Uno

25-11-12, 14:22
Hi my first post is there such thing as a Vu+uno clone and if so how can you tell if you have got one

Mr. Mister
25-11-12, 14:26
Edit.. I miss-read your question..

25-11-12, 14:26
unfortunately yes the uno has now been cloned, one quick way to know is to only use a reputable retailer for your purchases and if the price looks too good to be true it likely is.

also and i'm not having a go at you so please don't misunderstand my reply but i will point out that we don't support cloned hardware on this forum.

To be sure you get a genuine receiver buy from our sponsor www.world-of.satellite.co.uk (http://www.world-of.satellite.co.uk) and if you PM him here on the forum he will give you a £5 voucher off the price of any receiver he stocks.

25-11-12, 14:39
No that's ok i was just wondering how you would tell apart from the price as i paid the same price as world of sat i just would like to now if there other way's to tell just for my own peace of mind

25-11-12, 14:40
at this moment in time i'm not aware of any way to tell the two apart as the cloned uno is so new.

25-11-12, 14:53
Ok thanks you just like to be sure don't you. It don't say made in china any where on it like my first dm 500 did and that only lasted a month it doe's say made in Korea though just don't want to have paid out £250 for it to brick on me lol

Mr. Mister
25-11-12, 14:54
Where did you buy it.. ??

25-11-12, 15:00