View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] vix epg channel numbers

23-11-12, 05:06
hi is here a way to make vix tvguide display channel numbers, i am trying to use it as an aid to remember them

23-11-12, 05:11
I'm not at my box at the moment but I think to do it.... In epg screen, press menu button then in to settings. I think its in the list there....show channel numbers........
Something like that any way.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

23-11-12, 05:22
hi thanks for reply but seems to be the only option not there, im going to have a look in the skin.xml to see if i can change in there

23-11-12, 07:45
iv now been able to add the numbers to the infobar which will help me a bit but still havent figured out the guide! changed a few things in the xml but still no joy tired now anyway bed, using "vix night hd" btw

23-11-12, 10:34
iv now been able to add the numbers to the infobar which will help me a bit, using "vix night hd" btw

Please help me to do the same (showing numbers in infobar)


23-11-12, 18:05
what skin are you using cbr? i can send you the file you need just need to know which skin 1st:cool:

23-11-12, 19:48
I am using the default Skin:

vix night hd

23-11-12, 20:20
can you pm me ur email address and i will send you the xml file? i cant find a way to upload it to this post!

23-11-12, 20:31
can you pm me ur email address and i will send you the xml file? i cant find a way to upload it to this post!

click on the go advanced tab then manage attachments.

23-11-12, 20:45
thanks will upload later as i need want to finish what i started 1st, all thanks to ANDYBLAC 4 his hard work

click on the go advanced tab then manage attachments.

23-11-12, 21:42
10x for the file...

The number is shown in the middle of the first line of the skin...

Can you please make it show just before the channel name with same size and font


23-11-12, 22:20
still no joy! if andy blac sees this do you know what line i can change in the xml to add channel numbers to the vix guide?

23-11-12, 22:36
10x for the file...

The number is shown in the middle of the first line of the skin...

Can you please make it show just before the channel name with same size and font


emailed you with update

23-11-12, 22:39
Please do nit email files to each, upload them to the firum and helps others if they stumble on the thread with same request.

23-11-12, 22:56
heres the file just replace in usr/share/enigma2/vix_night_hd

24-11-12, 08:55
There is a big space between the number and channel name when the number has less than 4 digits

I think it will be better if the space is only 1 character size space.

24-11-12, 18:21
in the skin.xml file change lines 296 & 434 change the position entry highlighted below
<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Label" position="110,165" size="625,34" font="Boldit;30" foregroundColor="infobar_service_frgrnd" backgroundColor="infobar-bkgrnd" transparent="1" valign="top" halign="left" noWrap="1">

on line 296 try changing it to "100,6" and line 434 change it to "100,165"

25-11-12, 00:58
What editor do you use?

Is there an editor which will run on Windows and let you edit unix/linux text files which don't use the PC CarriageReturn/LineFeed at the end of each line?

25-11-12, 01:47
i have no idea what "PC CarriageReturn/LineFeed" is im a complete novice with xml just teaching myself! i use "dcc" handy cus i can write directly to the box

What editor do you use?

Is there an editor which will run on Windows and let you edit unix/linux text files which don't use the PC CarriageReturn/LineFeed at the end of each line?

25-11-12, 10:22
What editor do you use?

Is there an editor which will run on Windows and let you edit unix/linux text files which don't use the PC CarriageReturn/LineFeed at the end of each line?

I think you can use Notepad++, just google it.


25-11-12, 13:02
i have no idea what "PC CarriageReturn/LineFeed" is im a complete novice with xml just teaching myself! i use "dcc" handy cus i can write directly to the box

PC DOS text files emulate what typewriters and Teleprinters do (did?) at the end of each line.

26-11-12, 17:43
heres the file just replace in usr/share/enigma2/vix_night_hd
Present for dermy - based on build 448

26-11-12, 20:10
can any one make one for ViXBMC_HD-Slim :thumbsup:

26-11-12, 22:53
can any one make one for ViXBMC_HD-Slim :thumbsup:Here you are:

Put in /share/enigma2/ViXBMC_HD-Slim.

27-11-12, 06:48
Present for dermy - based on build 448
hi thanks, can i ask what is different in this xml(whats new)? thanks

27-11-12, 13:55
hi thanks, can i ask what is different in this xml(whats new)? thanks
Build 448 update overwrote my skin.xml file. I just assumed that the new file was different - to long to check!

27-11-12, 23:30
thanks anyway, its similar to mine just a little different, on mine when you press a channel number the digits that come on the middle of the screen are smaller i think it looks smoother like that

28-11-12, 01:03
thanks anyway, its similar to mine just a little different, on mine when you press a channel number the digits that come on the middle of the screen are smaller i think it looks smoother like thatOh yes:eek:, I have to confess that I had not noticed.

28-11-12, 01:50
dont forget that such modifications will always be overwritten on a image update unless you place them into a user file ( i cant quite think of the correct path or name of the file needed but i'm sure some one will chip in with the necessary info ).

28-11-12, 02:13
As pheonix says, any changes to a default skin file will be overwritten on an image update.
To keep your changes, it's best to create the custom screen in a simple xml file with only the screens you want modified.
Save it as skin_user_ViX_Night_HD.xml if using the default skin.
Replace ViX_Night_HD in the file name with the skin name if using another skin.
Upload it to /etc/enigma2/ & it should keep working on future updates.

Saying that, you will also lose out on any future updates/improvements made to those screens, if using your own custom one.

28-11-12, 12:46
As pheonix says, any changes to a default skin file will be overwritten on an image update.
To keep your changes, it's best to create the custom screen in a simple xml file with only the screens you want modified.
Save it as skin_user_ViX_Night_HD.xml if using the default skin.
Replace ViX_Night_HD in the file name with the skin name if using another skin.
Upload it to /etc/enigma2/ & it should keep working on future updates.

Saying that, you will also lose out on any future updates/improvements made to those screens, if using your own custom one.
Thanks, would I also need to run Magic-HD or is that no longer needed?

Is there any chance that the channel number could be shown on the normal info bar? :)

28-11-12, 12:56
Thanks, would I also need to run Magic-HD or is that no longer needed?
Not sure what you mean?

Is there any chance that the channel number could be shown on the normal info bar? :)
Yes, do as Dermy says in post 17 above (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?23394-vix-epg-channel-numbers&p=174630&viewfull=1#post174630).

28-11-12, 14:08
I was meaning Please could the channel number be included be included on the info bar of the standard Vix build?:)

29-11-12, 20:50
thanks m8 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Here you are:

Put in /share/enigma2/ViXBMC_HD-Slim.

01-12-12, 01:08
I have made some custom files which just contain the infobar showing the channel number.

If wanted, the xml files should be put in /etc/enigma2 as explained earlier in this thread.