View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD] software update problem

22-11-12, 09:03
I have install latest image but when i try to update software it download updates but when i try to install updates i get errors.

Mr. Mister
22-11-12, 09:57
Please can you explain exactly where it is failing at.. ??

22-11-12, 10:01
ok,i will send picture from my tv.

22-11-12, 10:30
is it the backup that fails(see were it tries to put the backupand correct the path to the usb) . try too telnet/ssh to the box and update with opkg update and opkg upgrade.

23-11-12, 18:02
yes,next day it worked.

25-11-12, 20:24
Since upgrade from 445 to 447 (I think) the machine freezes me at the blue screen :-( I have to reflash and restore settings. I tried 3 times, same thing. Any ideas?

25-11-12, 20:26
yes read this post


25-11-12, 20:55
AH, thank you!

26-11-12, 00:15
I always get "no upgrade" from menu but if I go via telnet and check opkg list-upgradable I see that there is a new build. Don't know why it stopped working for me. I am at 445 now and see 448 out. Is there any way to make software update menu work again? Something I could check? Thank you.

26-11-12, 00:20
Just update, hours to show the flashing update icon are set in Menu -> Setup -> System -> Software Update

Mr. Mister
26-11-12, 00:21
Menu > Set Up > System > Software Update >

Mine reads :

No ( optional )
No ( optional )

then go back and do a software update..

26-11-12, 00:23
I always get "no upgrade" from menu but if I go via telnet and check opkg list-upgradable I see that there is a new build. Don't know why it stopped working for me. I am at 445 now and see 448 out. Is there any way to make software update menu work again? Something I could check? Thank you.

Also make sure if you want unstable updates this is also enabled as otherwise icon will only flash green when status is stable for the updates and frequency with which Andy has been releasing lately this is not going to be often - that is not to say unstable is totally unstable, just been we have not tested as vigorously though occasional a stop bug does come through ala the bootloop one recently.

26-11-12, 00:31
Thanks a lot! That was it... I had to enable unstable releases... I guess it worked for me once without it and now it was a long time ago so I was wondering why did it not work anymore. I have enabled it and got up to build 448 quick no issues.

Rob van der Does
29-11-12, 06:21
I have install latest image but when i try to update software it download updates but when i try to install updates i get errors.
Please start with providing info: this is about an image problem, so the image used should have been mentioned.
As it turns out to be ViX, I moved this to the ViX-support section.