View Full Version : DVD Player

15-09-10, 19:29
Hi, first of all, sorry for my english !
I'm new with this Vu+, but I've been installing and testing some images, VTI, VIX, PLI, Original....
All of then come with "DVD player", but even than I've plug an USB DVD reader, I can¡t play any original DVD....
Do I need to do something else ?? Should the DVD drive be mounted in the system ? If so, how could I do that ??

Thanks in advance.

16-09-10, 12:29
Never tried a USB DVD Player, does it have its own PSU?

I've tried a Network mounted DVD drive from my PC and all played ok.

16-09-10, 16:54
I get it working now...
It's simply, just put the line in /etc(fstab, to automount the USB drive, and then navigate to /media/dvd (mounted like this in fstab). Point to folder VIDEO_TS, and it's working.
Bad new is about format, it's not show in 16/9 format, but a rare one.... Not 4:3, not 16:9.....
Anyway, when I play divx that I can see fine in my PC or in my DM600, I get delayed sound, and quality is not as good as expected..... is it normal ??
Thanks, and sorry for my english !!

16-09-10, 16:56
The media player in the Duo could do with some improvements.

16-09-10, 17:24
The media player in the Duo could do with some improvements.

.... what kind of "improvements" ??... :-)

19-09-10, 09:45
no clue about impovements ?