View Full Version : Can i connect my Vu wirelessly.. ??

Mr. Mister
14-09-10, 23:16
Hi guys..
Absolutly lovin the VIX image.. Such a breathe of fresh air.. Congrates to the team..

Got yet another question please..

I wish to have my Vu connected to the net wirelessly..

I see in the system plugins menu that there is a download called wirelesslan..

Is this used to connect Vu to the net.. ??

Also.. can you recommend a wirless USB adapter that will work with Vu..

Thanks guys

15-09-10, 05:06
you should have looked through the the threads, there's your answer.


15-09-10, 06:43
We're hoping to implement soon, but cant confirm if it will make 1.1 yet. A couple of the team members are waiting for WIFI sticks.

15-09-10, 09:42
Also, remember that using wifi won't ever be as reliable as using ethernet cable... Lots more factors to affect the signal etc :p

Even when I have my wireless dongle, will still be using my wired connection :p

15-09-10, 09:50
... or you can use a suitable wireless access point/router configured as a wifi client. There are lots of these devices out there (a cheap one could be a TP-Link) and you don't need any particular driver to use it ...just plug the lan connector ... (try to google it to know more)
I own a Itgate tgm220 decoder connected via a modified fonera router

... or you can use a powerline adapter too