View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] New power manager help.

14-11-12, 16:17
On latest vix...I've set power manager to go to deep stand by.......but it only goes into normal stand by........????
I have tried it several times with no joy!

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14-11-12, 17:03
On latest vix...I've set power manager to go to deep stand by.......but it only goes into normal stand by........????
I have tried it several times with no joy!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

ok found the bug if box was not normal standby. should be fix in tonights build.

14-11-12, 17:29
It was happening when I was in normAl stand by also last night.not at box to confirm now though

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

14-11-12, 21:42
Just checked my box and it goes into stand by no probs but doesn't go into deep stand by from normal stand by either.hope this helps.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

14-11-12, 22:01
Just checked my box and it goes into stand by no probs but doesn't go into deep stand by from normal stand by either.hope this helps.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

yes as andy said this should be fixed in the next update.

14-11-12, 22:13
yes as andy said this should be fixed in the next update.

But he said it wasn't a fault in the second scenario if you read the full thread

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

15-11-12, 00:10
for the Moment give your timer also an end time and select deep standby for after event this works for me.


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15-11-12, 01:17
just recoded some power control within PowerTimers, this should fix some issues. it will be in tonights build.

15-11-12, 13:04
I have just had the boot issue on 415 so reverted back to 413.

On the timer issue I have noticed if it helps that once a deep sleep timer has been set and the time has gone past the set time if you then try to turn on the box it then goes into deep sleep! or is this part of the fix?

15-11-12, 13:08
I have just had the boot issue on 415 so reverted back to 413.

On the timer issue I have noticed if it helps that once a deep sleep timer has been set and the time has gone past the set time if you then try to turn on the box it then goes into deep sleep! or is this part of the fix?

this is what i was getting yesterday!

15-11-12, 14:37
vix 416 power manager issue.
When setting a power timer the SET END TIME event is not kept i.e you set yes and time and event save it go back in and its not set!
Although It now goes into deep sleep, but when you have set end time to go into standby is boots up and then goes back to sleep.

15-11-12, 17:52
the problem with deep standby timer seems to be fixed for me in #416. I did not test end time but why you need end time?


15-11-12, 18:07
vix 416 power manager issue.
When setting a power timer the SET END TIME event is not kept i.e you set yes and time and event save it go back in and its not set!
Although It now goes into deep sleep, but when you have set end time to go into standby is boots up and then goes back to sleep.

i think you have set the timer wrongly

to wakeup and set to deep sleep

set a wakeup timer, enter the timer to wake up at lets say 8:00am, then set a end of with a type of Deepsleep say 22:00pm that would wake the box at 8:00am and return to deep at 22:00

but let say set time like.

start 22:30 got to deep and a end time of 23:00 go to standby

this would put the box to deep at 22:30 and wake the box at 23:00 and place it into standby (same as a Wake to standby would do) think about it standby is state that the box is awake.

15-11-12, 20:14
i think you have set the timer wrongly

to wakeup and set to deep sleep

set a wakeup timer, enter the timer to wake up at lets say 8:00am, then set a end of with a type of Deepsleep say 22:00pm that would wake the box at 8:00am and return to deep at 22:00

but let say set time like.

start 22:30 got to deep and a end time of 23:00 go to standby

this would put the box to deep at 22:30 and wake the box at 23:00 and place it into standby (same as a Wake to standby would do) think about it standby is state that the box is awake.

First i would like my box on when i get up and when i am not here, so it can be used promptly or access remotely as with previous power manager.

I have adopted your (Andyblac) 2nd option and tried/tested with the end time option of standby or deep sleep, both options result in the box coming on at the correct time but then irrespective of the setting it goes back into deep sleep!

I have just tested your other option by setting up timer and then placing box into deep sleep manually. It woke up went into standby as set up but then immediately went back into deep sleep.

I have also tried setting 2 timers one to go into deep sleep and to do nothing which works. A second timer to wake up from deep sleep and go into standby, this it does but then goes back into deep sleep immediately!
In fact I think I have exhausted all the options with same result.:confused:

I have now discovered that it is sensitive to the times set between wake up and deep sleep having now changed it to be several hours it has woken up and not gone back into deep sleep. What are the time constraints for testing please?:)

16-11-12, 04:52
I have just tested your other option by setting up timer and then placing box into deep sleep manually. It woke up went into standby as set up but then immediately went back into deep sleep.

I have also tried setting 2 timers one to go into deep sleep and to do nothing which works. A second timer to wake up from deep sleep and go into standby, this it does but then goes back into deep sleep immediately!
In fact I think I have exhausted all the options with same result.:confused:

I'm having trouble with the new power timers also (build 416 currently). When I finish watch telly at night, I put it in standby. Used to do a daily reboot in the wee hours and then return to standby...

Using the new power timers I have been unable to achieve the same result. Set for 0600 reboot and then go to standby... find in the morning that it appears to be in standby and when I turn it on, the messages tell me it is rebooting! (It seems as though the standby has interrupted the boot process). I then tried 0600 reboot, 0615 end time with go to standby... this had a similar problem... but I noticed that the end time was not 'saving' so I'm not sure whether I've actually tried anything different in this case.

Another thing... the emu check / restart has become unreliable (ie the scam emu sometimes stops and does not restart even though it should do so when set to 6 minutes... set it to 1 minute but continued to have problems). Could it be that the new timer code has affected the periodic emu check/timer?


16-11-12, 09:22
Still having problems in 416, I have it set to go to stand by at 02:00 then deep stand by 02:10....then wake up to stand by at 07:45 but when I got up this morning the box was fully on and on a channel.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

16-11-12, 10:37
we are looking into it. It seems we have a test box which also has trouble staying in deep standby.


16-11-12, 11:30
Unfortunately my previous assumptions were not correct as the box was still in deep sleep this morning.
I am now trying the timer to go off after midnight so as to come back on on the same date so not straddling 2 days as m8 has worked like this!

16-11-12, 12:39
Still having problems in 416, I have it set to go to stand by at 02:00 then deep stand by 02:10....then wake up to stand by at 07:45 but when I got up this morning the box was fully on and on a channel.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

a little off topic i know, but technically there is no difference between "full on" and "standby", except in standby the video and audio feeds are cut. every thing else is fully active, hence why you can for example use the web interface.

16-11-12, 16:06
a little off topic i know, but technically there is no difference between "full on" and "standby", except in standby the video and audio feeds are cut. every thing else is fully active, hence why you can for example use the web interface.

The difference is only the power Button is responsive on the remote.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Rob van der Does
16-11-12, 16:45
The difference is only the power Button is responsive on the remote.
Sorry ?

17-11-12, 01:01
The difference is only the power Button is responsive on the remote.

True, you have to use the power button to go to 'full on' (from 'standby') before any other buttons/functions will be responsive.

17-11-12, 01:13
Using the new power timers I have been unable to achieve the same result. Set for 0600 reboot and then go to standby... find in the morning that it appears to be in standby and when I turn it on, the messages tell me it is rebooting! (It seems as though the standby has interrupted the boot process). I then tried 0600 reboot, 0615 end time with go to standby... this had a similar problem... but I noticed that the end time was not 'saving' so I'm not sure whether I've actually tried anything different in this case.

Well, setting one timer to 'reboot' at 0600, then a separate timer to go to 'standby' at 0615 appears to have worked correctly last night... I'm still on 416 so things might have moved on.


17-11-12, 12:36
Now on VIX420. The second stage settings are now remembered as per update release logs.

Unfortunately the issue is still present in that the second stage timer setting if set to stand-bye always results in going back to deep sleep not a stand-bye.

Setting 2 timers & only using the first stage will put box to deep sleep and the second Timer on too awake in stand-bye works but not into stand-bye as set too but on. As the box turns on the TV I cant use this method.

Rob van der Does
17-11-12, 14:12
As the box turns on the TV I cant use this method.
So the simple solution is not to allow the box to turn on the TV.

17-11-12, 17:18
Yes but not convenient having to mess about with 2 RC to turn of box then TV! We have the technology to use.

Rob van der Does
17-11-12, 21:37
Yes but not convenient having to mess about with 2 RC to turn of box then TV! We have the technology to use.
See my footer for much better solutions for that.

17-11-12, 22:56
PowerMnager has been updated. in build 421, uploading now, should be up in a hour or so.

18-11-12, 01:10
Installed thanks, but sorry Auto timers arn't clear how they are intended to be used.

18-11-12, 01:24
See my footer for much better solutions for that.
Please explain as i cant see a footer to look at!:confused:

18-11-12, 08:30
PowerMnager has been updated. in build 421, uploading now, should be up in a hour or so.

@Andy, Tried out Build 421.... the auto standby timer seems to be set in 'seconds'. Is this intentional? Personally I would prefer it to be set in minutes (eg default of 060 would be 1 hour). When I discovered that it was in seconds and I tried to delete the timer... it crashed. I guess that it may have already started preparing to implement the timer before I could delete it. I got around this problem after a restart by changing the timer to 'once' instead of 'repeated'. I then allowed the timer to complete and then successfully deleted it when it was a 'done timer'.

I'm happy to report that the earlier problems (413) I had with actions after (eg reboot with end time +15 then go to standby) now is working for me. My Duo is in standby before the timer and then returns to standby after the timer. The TV is unaffected but turns on (HDMI-CEC) when I manually go from standby to full awake. So I don't have to worry about buying a harmony remote as suggested by Rob (in his footer/signature)! I guess the OP is finding that the HDMI-CEC is inoperative while the powertimers are being actioned. I only ever turn things fully on manually... so no probs for me.

Also the timer that controls restarting the softcam is now working for me again. (I am using an unsupported one: scam 3.60).

Your efforts are very much appreciated and I hope I am being helpful.


Rob van der Does
18-11-12, 08:43
@Andy, Tried out Build 421.... the auto standby timer seems to be set in 'seconds'. Is this intentional?
No, this is not intentional. Next build they'll be in minutes again.

18-11-12, 09:47
I have same issues with Auto but it has a restriction on 300 seconds max I hope that when they become minutes it will be for more than 300!

18-11-12, 12:51
Rob is referring to his "signiture" and suspect he means you need to get a Harmony remote ( they are very good )

18-11-12, 16:04
I have same issues with Auto but it has a restriction on 300 seconds max I hope that when they become minutes it will be for more than 300!

I have installed 423 thanks but still having issues.

The power auto timer option has a limit of 300, so for example using it to shut down to deep sleep with repeat set it happens every 5 hrs should it not be able to do 24 hrs?
The none auto power timer when set to go to deep sleep and then 2nd stage set to stand-bye goes into deep sleep but awakes a few minutes before the stand-bye time and asks if you wish to let the box go to deep stand-bye, if you say no then shortly after it asks if you want to go to stand-bye. The result if unattended is therefore still asleep. If you ignore the first request (wish to let the box go to deep stand-by?) that lasts about 3 mins it then goes back into deep stand-bye!
Is this the intention please?:confused:

18-11-12, 16:05
I have same issues with Auto but it has a restriction on 300 seconds max I hope that when they become minutes it will be for more than 300!

that's 5 hours... If you want your box to be left on for 5 hours, then I suggest you don't need the shutdown after inactivity (unless I read things wrong)

Sent from my iPad using that Tapatalk thingy

18-11-12, 16:19
I would like to shut down at midnight and come back on in stand-bye at 8am as before (vix2.1.204) so simple but not achievable.

Rob van der Does
18-11-12, 16:21
I would like to shut down at midnight and come back on in stand-bye at 8am as before (vix2.1.204) so simple but not achievable.
Naahhhh, just set a power-timer for that!

18-11-12, 16:22
I would like to shut down at midnight and come back on in stand-bye at 8am as before (vix2.1.204) so simple but not achievable.

as rob say's set a PowerTimer for that as:

set a 'wake to standby' timer for 8am and with an end time of 00:00 with after event go to deep standby


set 2 power timers

1: wakeup to standby @ 8:00
2: go to deep sleep @ 0:00

18-11-12, 16:26
I have same issues with Auto but it has a restriction on 300 seconds max I hope that when they become minutes it will be for more than 300!

it should be now in 423, it was left to seconds by mistake after debuging it.

18-11-12, 16:32
I have installed 423 thanks but still having issues.

The power auto timer option has a limit of 300, so for example using it to shut down to deep sleep with repeat set it happens every 5 hrs should it not be able to do 24 hrs?

erm, no, as everyime you press a button on the remote resets the count to zero, so setting 24 hours it would never be reached. 'Auto' power timers are a count down timer.

The none auto power timer when set to go to deep sleep and then 2nd stage set to stand-bye goes into deep sleep but awakes a few minutes before the stand-bye time and asks if you wish to let the box go to deep stand-bye, if you say no then shortly after it asks if you want to go to stand-bye. The result if unattended is therefore still asleep. If you ignore the first request (wish to let the box go to deep stand-by?) that lasts about 3 mins it then goes back into deep stand-bye!
Is this the intention please?:confused:

sorry do not understand what you are saying.

18-11-12, 16:53
Ok ill try again.

I can not set a single power timer that will start by setting deep sleep first say midnight then the second stage to go to stand bye at 8am as it puts it back into deep sleep at 8am if unattended.

If you attend the box at 8am and answer the yes/no Questions it will go to stand bye.
Is that any clearer?

I understand that the auto timers are count down and if the setting range was greater than 5 hrs like 16 hrs it could also be used for my purpose over a 24 hr repeated period.

What you seem to be implying that the timer kicks in when no activity! but I am only assuming as no info on how auto timers are intended to work, i asked previously.

18-11-12, 18:47
As you suggested I have tried the option of setting a repeating power timer, or timers.

1st attempt just set wake up it woke up, went to standby then when I turned on TV the box Immediately went back into deep sleep! on powering up the box it got as far as the 3rd rotating VIX then locked up with box display blank, powered off after 10 mins! I had to re-flash as permanently stalls at same point!

2nd attempt set timer to wake up 17:20 and seep sleep at 18:20 and the box starts to come out of deep sleep then hangs at 3rd rotating XIX, had to re-flash again as permanent!

Sorry cant get over first hurdle.

19-11-12, 10:23
And today's feedback is the box display was on with the time frozen at wake-up time 7:59 actual time 8:30 turning on tv displayed black screen with rotating VIX. As was locked up again had to switch off and restart came up working.

19-11-12, 10:35
And today's feedback is the box display was on with the time frozen at wake-up time 7:59 actual time 8:30 turning on tv displayed black screen with rotating VIX. As was locked up again had to switch off and restart came up working.

Please list exactly as follows and I will test: -

1) Exact timers you are setting.
2) You exact ViX build you are using.
3) VU+ Model you are using.

19-11-12, 11:35
Please list exactly as follows and I will test: -

1) Exact timers you are setting.
2) You exact ViX build you are using.
3) VU+ Model you are using.

1)Screen shots for timers attached as a picture paints a thousand words! Please note that SET END TIME was set initially at same time but is not now shown, I have mentioned before.
2)My signature displays my build but its 3.0.423

Where can I get an opinion on the various Harmony RC please too?

19-11-12, 11:42
1)Screen shots for timers attached as a picture paints a thousand words! Please note that SET END TIME was set initially at same time but is not now shown, I have mentioned before.
2)My signature displays my build but its 3.0.423

Where can I get an opinion on the various Harmony RC please too?

I'll try and test this evening and report back, but I tested similar timers on another model and all worked fine.

19-11-12, 12:02
Thanks Ill be around for any test later.

The VIX update logs say that the stage 2 settings clearing issue have been fixed, they were fixed but now are not again as you can see.:cool:

19-11-12, 13:19
just found a bug in WakeupToStandby timer, will build update soon, just want to do a few more tests.

19-11-12, 14:15
Hi Andy,
can this cause the spinner?


19-11-12, 17:24
Hi Andy,
can this cause the spinner?


yes it does.

19-11-12, 21:22
VIX426 power timers, some good news the wake-up, wake-up to standby, with or without second stage settings now work fine, well dun.

The bad news is that go to deep sleep option has some strange results.

Setting go to deep sleep works OK no stage 2 timer.

Setting go to sleep with a second stage setting wake up to stand-bye say 10 mins later it goes into deep sleep, then it starts to wake up after about 7 mins, it display's on the panel do you want the box to go into deep stand bye? if you say yes it does! if you say no it goes into wake-up i.e. not stand-by as set!

If you ignore the panel request it display's ? for 3 mins then displays do you want to go into stand-bye? for another 3 mins. Having ignored both it then goes back to sleep!

19-11-12, 21:59
VIX426 power timers, some good news the wake-up, wake-up to standby, with or without second stage settings now work fine, well dun.

The bad news is that go to deep sleep option has some strange results.

Setting go to deep sleep works OK no stage 2 timer.

Setting go to sleep with a second stage setting wake up to stand-bye say 10 mins later it goes into deep sleep, then it starts to wake up after about 7 mins, it display's on the panel do you want the box to go into deep stand bye? if you say yes it does! if you say no it goes into wake-up i.e. not stand-by as set!

If you ignore the panel request it display's ? for 3 mins then displays do you want to go into stand-bye? for another 3 mins. Having ignored both it then goes back to sleep!

sorry you lost me, please explain with screen shots, so i can understand what you are doing


19-11-12, 22:35

Screen shot 4 works
Screen shot 5 fails as it goes back into deep stand-bye, as I tried to describe in detail before.

As you can see the only difference is the sequence between the two.

19-11-12, 23:41

Screen shot 4 works
Screen shot 5 fails as it goes back into deep stand-bye, as I tried to describe in detail before.

As you can see the only difference is the sequence between the two.

let me try to explain what you are doing wrong

first screen shot 4:
whats this would do is, go to deepstandy @21:23, wake the box at @21:29 (deepstandy wakeup's always start 4 mins early to all time box to start, so timer is ready to the next stage), then at @21:33 goto standby.

second screenshot 5:
you have set the start date and time as 19-nov 8:00 this has already passed, you should have set the start date for 20-nov or the start at least 10 mins after the current time deepstandby timers need extra time to wake box see above. and put the box manually into deepstandby
remember that the start action is ALWAYS first. so doing what you did in 5 it would not activate untill tomorrow. the timer would automatically be scheduled for tomorrow. @8:00

hope this helps..


20-11-12, 00:32
let me try to explain what you are doing wrong

first screen shot 4:
whats this would do is, go to deepstandy @21:23, wake the box at @21:29 (deepstandy wakeup's always start 4 mins early to all time box to start, so timer is ready to the next stage), then at @21:33 goto standby.

second screenshot 5:
you have set the start date and time as 19-nov 8:00 this has already passed, you should have set the start date for 20-nov or the start at least 10 mins after the current time deepstandby timers need extra time to wake box see above. and put the box manually into deepstandby
remember that the start action is ALWAYS first. so doing what you did in 5 it would not activate untill tomorrow. the timer would automatically be scheduled for tomorrow. @8:00

hope this helps..


I understand about being past the time date etc. Screenshot 5 works but screenshot 4 fails to end in standbye as it goes back to sleep at 21:33 not as I would like and you have expected it too.

If you can not now understand I give up. Thanks.

20-11-12, 00:44
I understand about being past the time date etc. Screenshot 5 works but screenshot 4 fails to end in standbye as it goes back to sleep at 21:33 not as I would like and you have expected it too.

If you can not now understand I give up. Thanks.

i will look into this but irc, the standard behaviour of deepsleep wakeup is to return to deep after timer ends, just like recording timers do.

will do some more test tomorrow for you

so to if i understand you, you want to wakeup from deep to live tv for a period of time then go to standby?

not just wake from deep to standby ?

20-11-12, 01:14
I would like it to wake from deep standbye and go into standbye as it wakes.

The box has now shut down with the timer set as in screenshot 5 as I expected as the timer was running (green run indicator) even though the start time of 8:00 was past and I believe it will come on into stand-bye at 8 tomoz. I am perfectly happy with that as it meets all my current needs.

If the timer is set as in screenshot 4 the 2nd stage is never achieved as goes back to deep stand-bye.

Cheers for testing tomoz.:cool:

20-11-12, 01:22
I would like it to wake from deep standbye and go into standbye as it wakes.

The box has now shut down with the timer set as in screenshot 5 as I expected as the timer was running (green run indicator) even though the start time of 8:00 was past and I believe it will come on into stand-bye at 8 tomoz. I am perfectly happy with that as it meets all my current needs.

If the timer is set as in screenshot 4 the 2nd stage is never achieved as goes back to deep stand-bye.

Cheers for testing tomoz.:cool:

then for that use 'Wakeup to standby" ;) thats why i coded it ;)

what i have is the following

1 Timer

"Wakeup to Standby" @08:00 with an end time of 22:00 and action of "Go To DeepStandby"

20-11-12, 10:04
Morning,my box was on this morning in stand-bye showing time correct @ 8:40 and date. I turned on TV and the box display changed to "your box is shutting down" and then went to deep stand-bye!

I use HDMI to turn box on and the power timer is the one in sreenshot 5 that I expected to work!
The timer log only contains data from when I turned on TV at 8:40
I will test your own power timer settings shortly and post results with screenshots.:cool:

20-11-12, 10:48
Could somebody please explain how to set up a simple timer for putting my box to deep stand by at a particular time and then to wake it to stand by at a later time.
I've tried and can't get it to work currently in build 427. This is my current example timer which goes to deep Stand by then wakes then goes back to deep stand by......not stand by.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

20-11-12, 10:53
OK Using this power timer I set the box into deep stand-bye manually and waited it came back on and went into stand-bye, I turned on TV and the box Immediately went into deep stand-bye!
As you can see this was using your preferred method. You can also see that the second stage time had not been reached at that time but it now has and it is asking to go to deep stand-bye again.

Rob van der Does
20-11-12, 10:56
OK Using this power timer I set the box into deep stand-bye manually and waited it came back on and went into stand-bye, I turned on TV and the box Immediately went into deep stand-bye!
As you can see this was using your preferred method. You can also see that the second stage time had not been reached at that time but it now has and it is asking to go to deep stand-bye again.
I confirm this issue and we're looking into it.

20-11-12, 11:26
OK Using this power timer I set the box into deep stand-bye manually and waited it came back on and went into stand-bye, I turned on TV and the box Immediately went into deep stand-bye!
As you can see this was using your preferred method. You can also see that the second stage time had not been reached at that time but it now has and it is asking to go to deep stand-bye again.

i am starting to loose my patients,as i said repeatedly wakeup from deepstandby wake the box 4 mins early so the timers can activate. look at your screen shot and the current time

you have an end timer of 9:45 and the current time is 9:41 so the just woke up (4 mins early as i have explained why, this is controlled via drivers) as the it is not 9:45 the end timer has not been activated yet. if you waited till the correct time and left the box in standby the box would have gone to deep standby, but as you took the box out of standby, you shoud be been asked to go to deepatandby @ 9:45.

Timer are fully working, i can't find nothing wrong with them.

20-11-12, 11:28
I confirm this issue and we're looking into it.

no we are not, there is nothing wrong that i can see.

20-11-12, 11:33
no we are not, there is nothing wrong that i can see.

If there is nothing wrong, could you please explain in lamens terms (imagine I'm a simple person) how to place my box into deep stand by at 01:00am then for it to go to normal stand by at 07:45 am.

All of the settings I try just place the box back into deep stand by at 07:45.
Much appreciate all of you're time and effort ....but I just can't get it to work.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

20-11-12, 11:53
i am starting to loose my patients,as i said repeatedly wakeup from deepstandby wake the box 4 mins early so the timers can activate. look at your screen shot and the current time

you have an end timer of 9:45 and the current time is 9:41 so the just woke up (4 mins early as i have explained why, this is controlled via drivers) as the it is not 9:45 the end timer has not been activated yet. if you waited till the correct time and left the box in standby the box would have gone to deep standby, but as you took the box out of standby, you shoud be been asked to go to deep-standby @ 9:45.

Timer are fully working, i can't find nothing wrong with them.

Andy you seem to be misinterpreting the results there are more than myself having the same issue on and off forum.

I set my timer as you said you have yours set. The intention being that you can use the box between the two defined times.
When the stage one timer turned on the box it placed it in to stand-bye as required but when I then turned on the TV to watch, the box shut down immediately no questions asked! As you can see this was before the 2nd stage timer was due and having then manually powered box on it went into deep stand-bye at 9:45 as programmed. The issue being you cant use box between the times if its off.

Will you give me a set of times that should work that are minutes apart no hours (so as to reduce test time) given the driver constraints I will test it and report back?:cool:

20-11-12, 12:20
Just tested again with an hour between wake up to stand-bye and stage 2 deep stand-bye exactly same result i.e when I then turned on the TV to watch, the box shut down immediately no questions asked!

20-11-12, 13:22
Just tested again with an hour between wake up to stand-bye and stage 2 deep stand-bye exactly same result i.e when I then turned on the TV to watch, the box shut down immediately no questions asked!

Please list the exact timers you are setting or the end result of timers you are looking to set.

20-11-12, 13:47
Only to pleased too again.

Screenshot 9 is the power timer I set earlier today.

Please note I gave ample time for drivers and box to do its thing, I turned off manually to deep stand-bye 10 mins before timer was set to awake.

The box promptly awoke on time and went into stand-bye, I turned on TV to watch and the box immediately went into deep stand-bye!
I then turned on box with RC and it came up working. I left it on and promptly at the timer setting time it went into deep stand-bye.

I have provided the power log in screenshot 10. You can see that I turned it back on at 12:29 but I don't understand the log!

20-11-12, 13:52
Only to pleased too again.

Screenshot 9 is the power timer I set earlier today.

Please note I gave ample time for drivers and box to do its thing, I turned off manually to deep stand-bye 10 mins before timer was set to awake.

The box promptly awoke on time and went into stand-bye, I turned on TV to watch and the box immediately went into deep stand-bye!
I then turned on box with RC and it came up working. I left it on and promptly at the timer setting time it went into deep stand-bye.

I have provided the power log in screenshot 10. You can see that I turned it back on at 12:29 but I don't understand the log!

I just want an exact list of the timers you are wanting to set, nothing more please. Just please list the exact timers your are trying set only.

20-11-12, 13:54
when I then turned on the TV to watch, the box shut down immediately no questions asked!
Just wondering, could this be a HDMI CEC issue? How are you turning on the TV & what are your HDMI CEC settings?

20-11-12, 13:57
Just wondering, could this be a HDMI CEC issue? How are you turning on the TV & what are your HDMI CEC settings?

I was getting to that, but 1st want to test the exact timers.

20-11-12, 14:14
Screenshot of file that I would like to work please.

Regarding the HDMI CEC possible issues I have tried and tested with and without that control and get same results!

20-11-12, 14:39
ok, i have just spent the couple of hours trying to test all type of timers, and as a result recoded powertimer quite abit, i have now added "Wakeup To Standby" and an option for End timer, so having Go to DeepStandby as Start should now work with next update,

please test next update, also i have added lots of debug info into log to try to help find issues, i will build update soon.


20-11-12, 14:48
Good man itching to try it out.

20-11-12, 15:03
Not sitting in front of the box right now, but isn't it possible to use two timers?

"Timer type" (go to deep standby) @ "Start time" (00:00)
"Timer type" (wakeup to standby) @ "Start time" (08:00)


20-11-12, 15:06
Good man itching to try it out.

When you do and IF it fails, please post exact concise list of timers.

20-11-12, 15:07
Yep that seems to work but not as intended.:cool:

20-11-12, 15:08
Not sitting in front of the box right now, but isn't it possible to use two timers?

"Timer type" (go to deep standby) @ "Start time" (00:00)
"Timer type" (wakeup to standby) @ "Start time" (08:00)


yes, it would.


now you should be able to use

Timer Start: Wakeup to Standby @ 8:00 End Time: got to Deepstandby @ 22:00


Timer Start: goto deepstandby @ 22:00 End Time: Wakeup to Standby @ 8:00

20-11-12, 15:08
Pleasure there will only be one:cool:

20-11-12, 19:09
OK Guys we have lift off.

Latest VIX429 installed and my basic power manger timer is now working, some what of a uphill struggle but we have got there now so thanks for the efforts:cool:

I assume no need for my timer info now!

20-11-12, 19:49
OK Guys we have lift off.

Latest VIX429 installed and my basic power manger timer is now working, some what of a uphill struggle but we have got there now so thanks for the efforts:cool:

I assume no need for my timer info now!

only if you get some issues again, fingers crossed you wont :D

20-11-12, 19:57
I tried my alternative sequence option i.e wake up first sleep 2nd that also worked. Thanks again.

20-11-12, 21:23
only if you get some issues again, fingers crossed you wont :D

I can concur that my power settings now work on build 429, cheers Andy you're a star

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

21-11-12, 01:16
seems to been a issue with a timer start event set to got to standby (after deepstandby wake up), need to check this, please bare with me, it is complicated stuff coding for all possibles.

21-11-12, 13:16
Andy it seems that from 429 to 430 there is an issue what did seem to work now fails!

I am testing to see.

21-11-12, 13:28
OK i tested wake-up and 2nd stage go to stand-bye also wake-up to stand-bye 2nd stage do nothing both work

Screen shots of go to deep stand-bye fails in that it claims to have dun it but nothing happens this was not the case in vix429

Deep stand-bye with second stage options of wake-up also fail to go to deep stand-bye.

Just tested auto timer set for 10 mins left much longer did not go to deep-sleep too

Happy to do any test just ask!

21-11-12, 17:36
Build 432 back to working power timers now, thank you once again Andy, not that it matters but it comes back on 2 minutes late now but who cares. :cool:

Rob van der Does
21-11-12, 19:53
B..., not that it matters but it comes back on 2 minutes late now but who cares. :cool:
That's because the box now start booting at the set time, instead of 4 minutes before that. That was one of the causes of some issues.

24-11-12, 19:38
VIX445 and the previous version before have an issue with recording Timers switching the box to deep stand-bye.

Today whilst watching a recording the box asked "recording has finished do you want to shut down the VU?" I answered NO. There were two recordings running at that time when the second recording finished it did not ask about shutting down!
Yesterday when i came to the box it was in deep stand-bye! I checked my single power timer and it was still running to the correct times, backed up by the log so should not have been shut down, a recording timer had been running and ended so I now assume it was that.

Another strange thing that after the shut down request today when I was looking at my timers whilst still watching a recorded prog, all was visible until I tried to look at the power timer log when the machine rebooted without a crash! just displayed a blank screen with rotating VIX and came back up!

24-11-12, 23:06
VIX445 and the previous version before have an issue with recording Timers switching the box to deep stand-bye.

Today whilst watching a recording the box asked "recording has finished do you want to shut down the VU?" I answered NO. There were two recordings running at that time when the second recording finished it did not ask about shutting down!

VIX446 is the same too, just repeated with a single program recording.

24-11-12, 23:41
need a step by step to reproduce, we all seem to using timers in different ways, please give as much info as you can.

also can i have your logs please.

25-11-12, 00:13
OK ill reproduce the issue tomoz and post you all the info. Cheers :cool:

25-11-12, 01:27
OK ill reproduce the issue tomoz and post you all the info. Cheers :cool:

cheers mate, thanks for all the help these issues. :thumbsup:

25-11-12, 13:29
ok, building new update, with fix for multiple recordings with afterevents and waking deepstandby.

give it hour or so to be online.

25-11-12, 13:29
I have noticed that the Vix Timer entry panel does not let you set an after event action whereas the "OPen Webif" interface does, although it does not appear to retain the setting.

When do log files get written? I have a log file which from the time, looks like it was written when I rebooted my ET9000 soon after it had mysteriously shut itself down.

25-11-12, 13:33
I have noticed that the Vix Timer entry panel does not let you set an after event action whereas the "OPen Webif" interface does, although it does not appear to retain the setting.

When do log files get written? I have a log file which from the time, looks like it was written when I rebooted my ET9000 soon after it had mysteriously shut itself down.

debugging is a live memory process and as such debug logs are only written to storage at shutdown / reboot times ( unless they hit their maximum set limit first ).

25-11-12, 14:09
Sorry Andy late start today!
I've been testing & I have come to conclusion that if e recording timer is running and a power timer is scanning active then when the recording ends it goes to the power timer setting i.e deep standby. Changing the recording timer from auto to no nothing seems to stop it!

I have not reproduced the restart funny yet.

25-11-12, 14:35
Sorry Andy late start today!
I've been testing & I have come to conclusion that if e recording timer is running and a power timer is scanning active then when the recording ends it goes to the power timer setting i.e deep standby. Changing the recording timer from auto to no nothing seems to stop it!

I have not reproduced the restart funny yet.

update is still building. try it when it is online.

25-11-12, 14:36
I have noticed that the Vix Timer entry panel does not let you set an after event action whereas the "OPen Webif" interface does, although it does not appear to retain the setting.

When do log files get written? I have a log file which from the time, looks like it was written when I rebooted my ET9000 soon after it had mysteriously shut itself down.

sorry what?, i can set an after event using timer entry here np :confused:

25-11-12, 14:36
Will do just watching footy, just to confirm same test gave same result.

25-11-12, 15:32
Bad news guys update failed with blue moon screen and circles on box display!

25-11-12, 20:12
Bad news guys update failed with blue moon screen and circles on box display!

need log's please.


sorry guy's building fix now [448]

25-11-12, 22:22
debugging is a live memory process and as such debug logs are only written to storage at shutdown / reboot times ( unless they hit their maximum set limit first ).So the last log written might explain why the receiver shut itself down?

25-11-12, 22:24
sorry what?, i can set an after event using timer entry here np :confused:It was a zap timer - sorry to mislead you.

25-11-12, 22:24
Yes, or the previous log as a new one will start when the box reboots.

27-11-12, 15:09
VIX446 is the same too, just repeated with a single program recording.

Sorry Andy same issue still exists with 449, set a single recording timer when finished gave screen shot!

27-11-12, 15:24
Sorry Andy same issue still exists with 449, set a single recording timer when finished gave screen shot!

need logs, but my guess is that a timer woke the box, and if so, that is correct behaviour, as AUTO now works, and tries to return box to the state it started. if you do not want this, set the after event to NONE

27-11-12, 15:41
Thanks, yes the last timer was the power timer that woke the box up and is ready to start again with a deep standby later tonight.

I would have expected the Auto function in a record timer to pick up an expired power timer and shut the box down but not 12 hrs in advance. I have tried changing a recording timer to do nothing and that's what it does! To me it would be more user friendly to have the record timer default to do nothing as against always having to change it from Auto!

Based on what i think you are suggesting if I changed the order of my power timer from deep standby first then wake up to standby to the reverse order then a recording timer would put box into standby instead of deep standby, also not desirable.

happy to test if you wish

27-11-12, 15:58
Thanks, yes the last timer was the power timer that woke the box up and is ready to start again with a deep standby later tonight.

I would have expected the Auto function in a record timer to pick up an expired power timer and shut the box down but not 12 hrs in advance. I have tried changing a recording timer to do nothing and that's what it does! To me it would be more user friendly to have the record timer default to do nothing as against always having to change it from Auto!

Based on what i think you are suggesting if I changed the order of my power timer from deep standby first then wake up to standby to the reverse order then a recording timer would put box into standby instead of deep standby, also not desirable.

happy to test if you wish

can i see you log, please this should have been detected.

27-11-12, 16:38
A couple of logs to warm you up mate. ;)

29-11-12, 11:42
Hi Guys, i have run some tests this morning after updating to latest Beta release. I have attached the log of those test and also sent to support.

1) A power timer is set running but not active, not green first stage to deep standby! I set a recording that worked fine finished without any request about turning box off.

2) A power timer set active and green with second stage to deep standby. I set a recording that was to finish before the power timer elapsed, at the end of the recording it asked to shut down the box! Why?

3) A power timer set active and green with second stage to standby. I set a recording that was to finish before the power timer elapsed, at the end of the recording it did nothing as required, by me! Based on test 2 why did it not ask to go to standby?

3) A power timer set active and green with second stage to deep standby. I set a recording that was to finish after the power timer elapsed, before the end of the recording the power timer asked to shut down the box! Why? I would have expected that the power timer would be deferred until the recording had finished using the auto feature.

As I am trying to help and not being sarcastic, am I missing the point please? is there something wrong with my logical expectations please? :cool:

29-11-12, 12:12
As I am trying to help and not being sarcastic, am I missing the point please? is there something wrong with my logical expectations please? :cool:

No, I wouldn't say you are missing the point, but you do know that power timers are a new addition to the image requiring massive re-coding by Andy.
Issues are bound to be found as this area should still be considered a work in progress.
Thanks for reporting them though.

29-11-12, 12:18
Yes thanks I understand that dind not want you to think i was taking the p**s

Rob van der Does
29-11-12, 12:20
ad 2 & 3: What was the action on completion as defined in the 2 timers?
ad 4: That's intended behaviour. A (power)timer doesn't know about the existence of another one.

29-11-12, 12:32
ad 2 & 3: What was the action on completion as defined in the 2 timers?
ad 4: That's intended behaviour. A (power)timer doesn't know about the existence of another one.

As I said

2) (at the end of the recording it asked to shut down the box)

3) (at the end of the recording it did nothing as required)

4) it would appear that recording timers do know about power timers hence these results in (2)! The auto feature as the word implies should ideally look after this case (4) as is a definite requirement not to shut down in the middle of a recording, not that i am coding it but all possible in the goodness of time. ;)

Rob van der Does
29-11-12, 13:08
ad 2 & 3: no, I mean the action on completion of both the recording timers.

ad 4: again: that's intended behaviour, as timers are independant. And if you don't answer the question with 'yes' the box will not shut down.

29-11-12, 13:15
OK I will test again shortly and post results.

But still makes no sense as why should a recording timer be asking to shut box down just because there is a power timer running that is hours away from shut down! I was on the under standing that Andy was agreeing with me on this.

Originally Posted by satnav
Thanks, yes the last timer was the power timer that woke the box up and is ready to start again with a deep standby later tonight.

I would have expected the Auto function in a record timer to pick up an expired power timer and shut the box down but not 12 hrs in advance. I have tried changing a recording timer to do nothing and that's what it does! To me it would be more user friendly to have the record timer default to do nothing as against always having to change it from Auto!

Based on what i think you are suggesting if I changed the order of my power timer from deep standby first then wake up to standby to the reverse order then a recording timer would put box into standby instead of deep standby, also not desirable.

happy to test if you wish

can i see you log, please this should have been detected. ANDYBLAC

29-11-12, 14:36
I don't believe it! the secrets of the black magic box has a new meaning!

I decide to reboot the box prior to my timer tests just so the log file would just show the latest activities. Low and behold what failed this morning on the same build now works!

A power timer running active green, next 2nd stage shut down, a recording finished prior to power timer setting with no comments, great as required.

A power timer running active green, next 2nd stage shut down, a recording set to finish after power timer shut down time, this gave a "3 minute count down timer, came up asking if to shut down" so ignored, at end of 3 mins a display of "a timer is in progress etc shut down yes/no?" great as required.

When the recording finished it then shut down, as I have not answered the request as if unattended. Brilliant as required.

Many thanks Andy for making the changes, all my previous issues posted today have now gone but i don't understand why they didn't work from the software update initially, may be you can tell from the log I posted..