View Full Version : e-sata & sata hdd's both connected at same time?!

14-09-10, 15:49
Hi guys.

I have currently been using an e-sata drive to have recordings etc on my box, and have been backing this up to another usb external drive by connecting the drives via a linux pc and the usb connection, then transferring the new files over when I want to backup...

Now, I was considering purchasing an internal sata drive to put all my recordings on, since I can get a 2tb for pittance nowadays... But, I was just wondering 1 thing... It'd be a nightmare having to undo the box everytime to take out the hdd and transfer the files over...

Now, can I connect an e-sata hdd at the same time as the sata hdd in the duo box?! My guess would be yes, as they are both independant ports, unlike the dm800, which required the e-sata cable to be connected to the internal sata cable... But just want to check if anyone else has had a success with this?!

If this is possible, then what are transfer speeds like?! Is it quite slow to transfer files, since the bus speed in the duo might be slow?! Or does it work quite quickly?!

Thanks again for all info given :)

17-09-10, 19:30
Hi Pooface, did you manage to get this up & running - I'm about when scan get them in buy a Netgear Neo 550, which has eSata also, I'm also about to invest in a Verbatim 1.5TB ext HDD usb2/eSata - I'm thinking that if I attach the Verbatim to my Vu+ I can tranfer recordings from the internal disk and connect it to the Netgear Neo which is capable to playing TS files - The Netgear is to play my blu ray rips (back-ups)

I'm also thinking that if I have an external eSata to the Vu+ that I can record to that - can that be done with an internal sata still attached?

When I go menu/setup/system/recording paths/ there is no way to elect recording paths or is there

Oh thanks for the help yesterday - I'm a new VIX convert - nice image

regards in advance

17-09-10, 22:38
Anyone using an eSata drive + sata internal drive

08-05-11, 10:01
I'm reviving this old thread because I'm also trying to get both an internal and external sata working. I want to use the external sata as a repository for files (movies, recording,...) separate from the the internal sata - movie folder. I'm using the EMC plugin, in order to access the second drive I'm using symlinks in the movie folder on the internal drive.

I'm skipping the installation and formatting part, there are plenty of posts on that. I do want to share that formatting the extrenal drive in ext3 format (using Unbuntu in my case) leaves you with a drive that's no recognized by my Vu+ Duo.

My original setup was an internal sata drive on /dev/sda1 mapped to hdd and a usb stick on /dev/sdb1 mapped to USB. After formatting the external sata drive via the Vix device manager, this is added as /dev/sdc1 which is mapped to hdd2.

So far so good until a reboot: the esata is now on /dev/sda1 - hdd, the internal sata on /dev/sdb1 - hdd2 and the usb stick on /dev/sdc1 - USB. When the external drive is not powered on/connected the /dev/sda1 - hdd is not longer listed and this remains so after a second reboot. This causes problems when I access the Vu Duo via the web interface (using iDreamX) and also causes troubles with Cccam (not finding the config file?).

So, I just wonder if it is possible to create a fixed devices setup that will not be messed up after rebooting or having the exteral sata on or not. I guess this would be isata on /dev/sda1 - hdd, usb stick on /dev/sdb1 - USB and internal sata on /dev/sdc1 - hdd2, when the esata is not there all other devices will keep the original order. Any advice on how I can do this?

08-05-11, 11:11
I have exactly the same situation with 1TB internal and 2TB external (eSata) but got rid of my USB stick and it's obvious that the system will always prefer the esata as /dev/sda1 and the internal sata as /dev/sdb1.

So what I did was,just change the mount points as /media/hdd for /dev/sda1 and media/hdd2 for /dev/sdb1. This of course works only when the eSata 2TB is connected and powered up with the rest of the system. Now when I power up the mount points are maintained and recording paths are correct so all works ok!

I would also be very interested if someone has a more permanent solution to allow the connection and disconnection of the eSata at will while maintaining its correct mount points so as not to mess up the recording paths in my timer settings?