View Full Version : hard disc shows no recordings

08-11-12, 22:32
Hi guys quick question

Tonight for some reason all my recordings have disapeard and it says hard disk is full but i know it isnt as it says 40% free any ideas ?

08-11-12, 22:50
Make sure in mount manager that your HDD is mounted as /media/hdd

08-11-12, 22:54
Have you done a full restart since this happened? Chances are it rebooted at some point and picked up the USB as /media/hdd instead of the hard drive. Try doing a restart.

08-11-12, 23:10
Thanks Huevos that work perfectly rebooting the box did the trick :)

09-11-12, 13:48
Thanks Huevos that work perfectly rebooting the box did the trick :)Once it is mounted correctly go in to mount manager and save these settings.

Menu -> Setup -> ViX -> Mount Manager

09-11-12, 19:01
ye cheer m8 all sorted now