View Full Version : Channel Lists

13-09-10, 19:53
Hi there,

Newbie having troble setting up my image. I've downloaded a channel list from the e2 setting section but all the channels are greyed out and I get a message saying the tuner isn't set up right. Can anyone help?



14-09-10, 08:11
Was it working ok on any satellite before you loaded the channel list.
What is your dish configuration. (fixed / motor , usals / switch tunerA / tunerB.
What image and channels list do you have.

The channels are usually greyed out when the satellite they are on is not configured in the Setup.

The answers to the questions above will help lead to the answer when we see where you are.


14-09-10, 16:38
Thanks for the respomse. All i needed to do was a restart after updating channel list now all is well. On another point i've only setup up tuner 1 using usals. When I enable tuner 2 I seem to get no channels whatsover. I'm using simple setup and a motor dish. All fine when tuner 2 is disabled. Any tips will be appreciated.