View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Timeshift window

01-11-12, 13:38

I'm using VIX3.0.343 without permanent timeshift.

If i use timeshift and press the pause button to stop playing, the timeshift window on the left upper corner is shown (with pause or play icon, timeshift time and total time).

If i start playing again, it works, but the timeshift window is still there (shows the play icon and time).

I can press exit, menu, epg-info, ok or some other key's, the window is allways there on the top of all other windows.
No automatic hide after a timeout if i play again.

Is there a setting to hide the window (direct or after a timeout), if i press the play button
or is this a bug?


04-11-12, 12:15

Has anyone ever used the timeshift function and can tell me if it is normal, that the window always is there?

04-11-12, 19:14
What window? should look like normal viewing, you get a small pop for about 5 seconds to show how far behind live you are but this disappears after about 5 secs

05-11-12, 10:09

Has anyone ever used the timeshift function and can tell me if it is normal, that the window always is there?
I'm using 3.0 build 394, just tried the timeshift and it works perfectly, little window disappears as soon as i press play.

05-11-12, 12:28
What window? should look like normal viewing, you get a small pop for about 5 seconds to show how far behind live you are but this disappears after about 5 secs

That's what i mean: i get a small pop (forever) . the popup show how far behind.., but it never disappears!!!
I'll be glad, if it disappears after a time.

So i want to ask: where can i set a disappears time? (By the way: the epg window doesn't disappear.. i think no window disappears after a time, only a normal notificationwindows.)

In the past i used a VTI image. In this all windows, popup disappears after a timeout.

09-11-12, 14:45
it is controlled by the same timout as the infobar, so if you have that set to 'No Timeout' then it will be the same for this window aswell.

09-11-12, 18:02
it is controlled by the same timout as the infobar, so if you have that set to 'No Timeout' then it will be the same for this window aswell.

Thanks for your help!

The settings for the 1.line infobar and 2.line infobar is set to 4 seconds.

The infobar disappears, the timeshift window not.

I did a update to 3.0.405 10 minutes ago, restore settings and test timeshift with the new image.

Result: same error. The timeshift window is still there. O no.... :-(

I thought, this was only a bug of version 3.0.343, but it seems to be a general problem....

I didn't install a mediaplayer plugin. Is this the problem? I found a setting :show pvr status in the mediplayer. I tryed yes and no: all the same. The timeshift window is allways there

Please help. It is not nice to watch the timeshift window in top of the movie....

09-11-12, 20:03
not sure whats going on, it hides here just fine.:confused:, as for media player plugin personally i do not recommend using it, very old plugin now.

09-11-12, 20:33
Have you pressed exit before pressing play or pause again?

10-11-12, 10:34
Have you pressed exit before pressing play or pause again?

Yes. No change, window is always there.

not sure whats going on, it hides here just fine.:confused:, as for media player plugin personally i do not recommend using it, very old plugin now.

After long test's and tries i found the problem. It is a bug, depending on a setting.

I don't want to see the infobar at pressing pause, only a frozen movie..

So if you switch of the setting: show infobar on skip forward/backward,
the timeshift window is always there.
If you switch it on, the window disappears together with the infobar.

11-11-12, 18:59
Please check this on the next build & report back, should be fixed.