View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Can no longer stream movies to PC via Openwebif

Human 19
30-10-12, 20:42
Kernel version: 3.1.1
Firmware version: 2.4
Gui version: Jul 19 2012

PC - Linux Sabayon X, Kernel 3.5

I recently changed external Transcend HD as previous one was full. I used to be able to stream the movies from the old disk via openwebif/VLC on the PC.
The new HD is mounted ov /hdd/movies.
I can save TV programmes to the disc no problem.
Openwif can see the movies on the disk, but VLC wont stream them.
No problem streaming TV directly.
Any ideas?

31-10-12, 02:56
Some channels have more than one program stream within their transport stream (shared PMT). If this is the case, then OpenWebif/VLC will stream these shared PMT channels live but will not stream the recorded file (.ts). I have provided a fix for this problem which has been adopted within the E2OpenPlugins version of OpenWebif but I think that OpenPli has not yet taken up these latest changes.

If you think this is what is causing your problem, then you can modify the stream.py file (the getTS function):

def getTS(self,request):
if "file" in request.args:
filename = unquote(request.args["file"][0]).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-8')
if not os.path.exists(filename):
return "File '%s' not found" % (filename)
# ServiceReference is not part of filename so look in the '.ts.meta' file
sRef = ""
if os.path.exists(filename + '.meta'):
metafile = open(filename + '.meta', "r")
line = metafile.readline()
if line:
sRef = eServiceReference(line.strip()).toString()
if sRef != '':
progopt="#EXTVLCOPT:program=%d\n" % (int(sRef.split(':')[3],16))
response = "#EXTM3U\n#EXTVLCOPT--http-reconnect=true \n%shttp://%s:%s/file?file=%s\n" % (progopt,request.getRequestHostname(), config.OpenWebif.port.value, quote(filename))
request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/text')
return response
return "Missing file parameter"



Human 19
31-10-12, 19:44
Thanks stick50jr
I can have a look at that over the weekend although I assume it is something different.
As I said, I was previously able to stream before I changed disk.

If I remember correctly, I was not able to initialise the current disk so had to manually reformat it to ext4 and manually mount it to /hdd/movies.

I wonder if this would have anything to do with it?

Human 19
05-11-12, 22:04
Well I tried that editing that file but this led me to being unable to connect by openwebif at all so I reverted to the previous file.

In the process of accessing the file , I opened a network share to the box , so I can at least stream by accessing the hdd/movies via the file manager. It works doing it this way

By the way, messages from VLC when it would not stream:

es error: cannot peek
main error: corrupt module: /usr/lib64/vlc/plugins/demux/liblive555_plugin.so
ps warning: this does not look like an MPEG PS stream, continuing anyway
ps warning: garbage at input, trying to resync...
es error: cannot peek
main warning: cannot load module `/usr/lib64/vlc/plugins/demux/liblive555_plugin.so' (/usr/lib64/vlc/plugins/demux/liblive555_plugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN18BasicTaskScheduler9createNewEv)

Maybe its a vlc issue

Thanks anyway