View Full Version : The future of VU+DUO?

27-10-12, 02:04
I bought my vu+duo about 6 mths ago. I'm happy with mine and apart from the odd set back it has served me well. But i have been asked to choose a sat box for someone who lives in the country side. So this buyer has asked me to purchase a sat box the same as mine. But before i do i would like the answer to a question or two.

Is there a good future for the vu+duo, is it expected to have plenty of support for at least the next 2 yrs? It is one thing to be buying a unit for myself , but if its for someone else its always best to be sure.

Or do any of you guys think i should go for another unit.

It would have to be within the vu+duo price bracket £350.00 price range, not a penny dearer .

Or is there a twin tuner that can be up graded to a triple tuner at a later date?

Thanks in advance for replies.

Mr. Mister
27-10-12, 02:32
The Duo will still have all the support it needs for the new few years..

Other twin tuner receivers you have to look at are the Gigablue Quad.. and the Technomate Twin..

Vix image for both.. and both pretty rock solid receivers..

Make sure to check out the sponsor site for some great deals on twin tuner receivers.. CLICK HERE... (http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/Digital-Satellite-Receivers)

You can also send the sponsor pm.. for the forum discount..

hope this helps..

27-10-12, 05:36
as MR.mister pointed out, the Duo still has a lot of life left in it and support will continue from the likes of ViX for a good few years yet to come.

Rob van der Does
27-10-12, 06:01
There is one big problem though: driver support from VU+ has proven to be very bad. There is a huge list of known bugs (for all models), and VU+ is not working on them. The last serious driver update is more then a year old.
Even more: clients asking VU+ questions in this area are not even getting a simple answer.
It looks like VU+ is more interested in releasing new hardware (such as the Solo2/DUO2, announced to be released shortly) then is supporting existing clients.
On the other side: the hardware they release is generally of a good quality. But alas: hardware without good software is nowhere.

Long story short: I'm not sure if buying the eldest box from VU+ is a good idea any more.

But what then? Xtrend has proven to be the top of the line in driver development. But their hardware isn't always very reliable.
GiGablue maybe? I don't know about the hardware, but driver development seems to be OK

04-11-12, 10:36
Interesting thread. I have a duo, one of the first out. With white remote! I also have the UNO. I have no problems with the duo and a few now and then with the UNO.

I would be looking to upgrade at some point in the next 12 months, if VU are more interested in mass producing hardware they will quickly find themselves without a solid customer base.

07-11-12, 16:49
Long story short: I'm not sure if buying the eldest box from VU+ is a good idea any more.

While there is some truth in this, if I can use an analogy wrt Cars.
The most reliable new car I ever bought was an end of line Ford Escort. Yes not at the forefront of fashion, but not a thing went wrong with it (remarkable for a Ford).
On the flip side a few years back, my next door neighbour bought one of the first of the Ford C-Max People carriers. No end of issues. Always in the garage. Spent more time on a ramp than on their drive, or on the road.
Now I work in car industry and I know for a fact that ALL new models are released with the odd issue, that are gradually fixed over the next few years - and the most reliable ones are the ones near the end of life.
I assume to some degree the same is true of electrical items. Hardware and firmware is shocking (largely) for the first units and gets better as the rough edges are fettled.
Sure this is true with the Duo. Yes its been out there, but its a good solid unit, at a great price which is why I bought one recently.
The Duo 2, when it comes out will be expensive and initially buggy.

If I to get another Vu+ now it'd probably buy the Ultimo which is currently a great price, or if on a real tight budget, another Duo as they are cheap as chips. The Ultimo has been out long enough for the issues to get resolved, but its not completely at end of life, plus its at a price point now that the Duo was at not too long ago.