View Full Version : Goodbye old friend

22-10-12, 08:41
After nearly two years of ownership I have sold my Duo :(
It was by far the BEST receiever I have EVER owned (and there has been quite a few!!!!!!)
and it was all to the VIX image that made it so awesome :thumbsup:

Today it leaves for the post office to make its way to its new owner who I hope enjoys it as much as I did :cool:

Later today (so the tracking number says) my new toy will arrive :D
Yes I know its buggy and new but with VIX working on an image and new drivers in the pipeline from Gigablue I have every confidance it will be another great box (just like the duo)

22-10-12, 22:28
i was thinking of getting this when i ordered a ultimo the other day to replace my duo but i though i would wait until some of the issues were ironed out and the image was a little more polished

post up what you think of it though!

22-10-12, 22:34
i was thinking of getting this when i ordered a ultimo the other day to replace my duo but i though i would wait until some of the issues were ironed out and the image was a little more polished

post up what you think of it though!

Image wise it will be pretty much identical to all other Receivers we support barring where certain hardware differences may come into play, but it is worth noting that while in it's current state the box may be a little buggy, there is no reason to expect that these issues wont be fixed soon.

The Quad is by no means the only receiver to have problems, every E2 receiver on sale rite now has a select few issues that need sorting either via drivers updates or other means.

23-10-12, 20:44
It takes a brave man to sell his best box, and buy a different box with known problems. Perhaps this will be one of those: if only moments.

23-10-12, 20:48
Known problems yes, insurmountable def no.

26-10-12, 16:06
It takes a brave man to sell his best box, and buy a different box with known problems. Perhaps this will be one of those: if only moments.

Well it paid off :finger:
Been plenty of updates lately :trustme:

26-10-12, 16:08
Well it paid off :finger:
Been plenty of updates lately :trustme:

There was never any doubt that they would pull it off.

26-10-12, 16:32
There was never any doubt that they would pull it off.

I never doubted ;) (or I wouldn't have flogged the Duo and shelled out 400euros for the quad)