View Full Version : HDD Problems

21-10-12, 02:12
Hello there, I had my system working fine and installed a plugin, when I removed it the system wouldn't boot so I decided to re flash.

Long story short my HDD seems to have messed up when I loaded a backup(suggested during the flash, by the box)

I can't mount the internal drive as when I do so using the ViX menu, I get an Enigma crash.

I figured out how to mount using Telnet, but when I restart the system the drive is once again unmounted and it's a right headache.

Any suggestions would be fantastic.

21-10-12, 03:07
I had a similar problem and had to initialise the drive. Obviously this completely wipes the drive.
I was then able to mount.

21-10-12, 05:58
sadly i have no suggestions about how to help with you'r problem but it may be a good idea to list the plugin you tried to use in the first place and where you got it from. IE was it a manual instal on your part or did you download it from the feeds ?, also please post any and all crash logs related to this incident here or better still upload them directly from the box via the ViX logs manager.

21-10-12, 12:57
Hi there, I decided to reformat entirely and start over and i'm back on track. The problem was initially caused when I went to uninstall a plugin called project valerie.

I used
opkg remove project-valerie* on telnet and when I rebooted the box it was stuck in a loop with the ViX logo spinning in the top left corner.

21-10-12, 13:07
Thanks for letting us know how you have gotten on and the root cause of the problems in the first place. This is also a good reason why we always say to our users to make a full set of image and settings backups, so when things like this happen you'r not left with a non working image.