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View Full Version : Strange problem with 1 of my 2 Vu+ Duo and the most recent VTi image

11-09-10, 00:53
Hi all,
I have a really strange problem while trying to install the most recent version of VTi Image (V 2.0 - 19.08.2010 OE 1.6) on 1 of my 2 Vu+ Duo (on the other one the installation worked flawlessly).

After a complete reinstallation via USB, every time the decoder starts, no bootlogo is displayed. The screen just shows the spinning hourglass on a completely black background.
Moreover, when I try to manually install a package (ipkg install...) I always receive the following error:

Configuring vuplus-bootlogo
mount: can't find /boot in /proc/mounts
postinst script returned status 1
Collected errors:
* ERROR: vuplus-bootlogo.postinst returned 1

I tried to repeat the installation many many times, but the behaviour didn't change.
Does anybody have a solution to this problem?

11-09-10, 01:00
try to reflash again

11-09-10, 01:14
Yes, this was the first idea. So I reflahed and reflashed again for 5 or 6 times and nothing changed.
The strange thing, as I told in my previous post, is that on the other Vu+ Duo I have, the installation of the same image didn't have any problem.

11-09-10, 01:41
BTW: I have no problem with other images.
I tried Dream Elite, VXI and Gigant and I didn't have any installation issue with them.

11-09-10, 02:10
so only vti give u the problem on this box.... this is very weird:confused:
is there any peripherals connected (usb at back, hdd, lan cable...etc). if so try to disconnect them all and reflash

11-09-10, 02:23
hi mate

does this behavour with the boot loader happen before you attemp to manual load plugins ? im wondering if u can inform us what else you have been loading via ipkg it could be a pluging not fully compatable with the new image.
What you described happend to me tonight ....black screen with hourglass spinner but this was when i was shutting down to restart however i did get the boot screen when it started again.


11-09-10, 02:40
Yes, there is LAN and a 1 TB internal HDD.
I will try disconnecting them.

11-09-10, 12:30
does this behavour with the boot loader happen before you attemp to manual load plugins ?
Yes, it happens immediately after the USB installation without any manual installation performed.
During the first boot, before the configuration wizard starts, no bootlog is displayed.

im wondering if u can inform us what else you have been loading via ipkg it could be a pluging not fully compatable with the new image.
The only manual installation I performed (and that produced the error present in my first post) was the most recent version of xmltvimport, but, when I tried to install it, the problem was already present.

Taking a look at the directory structure of the 2 decoders, I noticed that the /boot directory of the working one contains the following 4 symbolic links:

backdrop.mvi -> /usr/share/backdrop.mvi
bootlogo.mvi -> /usr/share/bootlogo.mvi
bootlogo_wait.mvi -> /usr/share/bootlogo_wait.mvi
vmlinux -> vmlinux-2.6.18-7.3

while the same directory of the not-working one is empty.

Performing a 'mount' command, the not-working installation has this line missing:

/dev/mtdblock2 on /boot type jffs2 (ro)

25-09-10, 23:46
A little update to this problem.
I reinstalled the most recent VTi image, but this time I disconnected the hard disk and the network.
Result: nothing changes; during the boot no splash screen is displayed.
This happens only with VTi image. I tried to install VIX, Gigant, DE, HDFreaks and also the original image and the splash screen is always displayed.

27-09-10, 18:53
This happens only with VTi image. I tried to install VIX, Gigant, DE, HDFreaks and also the original image and the splash screen is always displayed.

Stick with the best then, VIX Team image :D

22-11-10, 08:57
please forger VTI !
This ist the shittest image what i know.
Try VIX and all your problems are blow away.Or BH.