View Full Version : Multioboot or image swap?

10-09-10, 23:59

what u think is it better and easier to multiboot, or to just make backup of the flash image and just
reflash when u want to use the other image, did any one time it, is it faster to multioobt or reflash?
and does keep reflashing hurt the box?

11-09-10, 02:35
Hi mate

With the later images multiboot is not that well supported, if you wanna save some time then by all means make a backup of your image if you care to play about with other images. With this new vix image it flashes very quickly as for reflashing hurting the box all i can say in my years of doing just this is as long as the flash program is free of glitches and you follow proceedure then its safe I have lost count of the times i have reflashed. I have it down to a T now that i can reflash and have my settings CCcam etc up and loaded in a matter of minutes.


11-09-10, 04:22
i just cannot understand peoples fascination with multiboot.

on a DB yes! i used it myself but there was a multitude of images to choose from.

on the other hand with the Duo there's not that many out there and some of them are not that good.

and as satmanbaz says how long does it take to install an image nowadays? a matter of minutes! and the Duo runs better with just an image on the flash.

well that's my opinion anyways.

regards: canthackit