View Full Version : Start up script for OScam and CCcam

17-10-12, 09:15
Hi there.
I am using the yesterdays ViX image from since last yesterday and have a major problem with the box not starting upp the OScam and CCcam on every startup
Everytime i reboot or restart the box totaly the OScam and CCcam do not start up.

Yes i have chosen the opption for Automaticly start up on boot, but still do not work on start up. Evrytime i reboot and go to softcam i see the CCcam and OScam is hucked off from being started.

Now my question is, can i get some help with this problem, i realy liked the ViX image, but if the startup for the emus do not work then im lost realy.
is there any script or file i can edit or add to help with this problem please



Rob van der Does
17-10-12, 09:46
CCcam does get started, so an extra command wouldn't help.
However: since several builds CCcam takes some 10-20 seconds to get started. So it looks like it doesn't start, but it should be allowed some more time.

17-10-12, 09:48
How did you install the cams?

17-10-12, 10:07
Hi again.
i intall the cam with IPK file that i have used before with ViX images. this is why im surprised why does not work now.

after i reboot the box nothing starts from OScam or CCcam, it is strange and this is why im asking for help or script that can start the softcams

i push blue button
go to Softcam Manager
huck up the CCcam and OScam that is see there, so i pres blue butto again and then they get an green huck
then is press green for CCcam and then green for OScam, both starts.

Now when i reboot the box again, there is no CCcam or OScam started up, i wait for more then 5 min and nothing starts.
now i go back to Softcam Managger then i se no green huck on the cams, so something is not right

Please some one help :-)



17-10-12, 10:11
Lets start with Cccam.
When you ftp or telnet into the box, are the cam & config files in the correct places & correct permissions set?

17-10-12, 10:31
from telnet after i have started manualy via remonte controll i see the below lines

/usr/softcams/oscam -b
/usr/softcams/oscam -b

Now cams have 755 permision , so this should be fine.

and the camscript Ncam_Oscam7675_CCcam213 have allso 755 chmod permision.

The strangest thing is, that some there is some time here and there that cams start normaly. says out of 10 times i reboot 2 times softcams starts.
this is why im very very surprised.

