View Full Version : Upgraded to Vix 3.0.339 problem

16-10-12, 11:14
I have just changed from BH to the Vix 3.0.339 including bootloader and after uploading the latest catseye channel list now find I have no channels.
Is there something I have missed along the way.

When I go to view a channel, all I get is the animated dishes and a timer.
I'm sure I completed the wizard ok, and have network access.


16-10-12, 13:16
I have tried reflashing, but with the same problem.
I have tried doing a manual scan of the sat the dish is pointing at, but finds nothing.
It would seem either the Vu is at fault or the motor, as there isn't the usual green light on it.
Strange as everything was working perfectly before this upgrade.

In the mean time I'll try another image.

16-10-12, 13:57
Right I've tried Vix 3.0.204 and then uploaded a channel list, was able to move the dish to Thor, but by the time I got back to the TV (went to look to see if the dish had/was moving), I found a picture on screen, which had frozen. So I selected 28.2 and went to see if I could get any of the freeview channels, but without success.

Anyone have any idea as to whats going on?
Is it a hardware fault or what?

16-10-12, 13:59
Sounds more like a dish alignment issue or in-correct longitude/lattitude.

16-10-12, 14:18
Which if true is a bit odd, as all I have done is change the firmware, hmmm
I've put in the correct long and lat figures.

Looks like I'll have to get someone out to check I suppose.

16-10-12, 20:07
+ one for what SIC said, I mixed up my lat and long on the box after a virgin flash and had exactly what you are experiencing.

16-10-12, 22:11
I've tripple checked everything, and carn't find anything wrong.
One thing though, in positioner, if I send it to 0 and then back to 28.2 I get whatever channel its on for a few seconds and then stops, so could be an alignment issue. Its a shame as I was so looking forward to getting this Vix image on.

16-10-12, 22:36
I've tripple checked everything, and carn't find anything wrong.
One thing though, in positioner, if I send it to 0 and then back to 28.2 I get whatever channel its on for a few seconds and then stops, so could be an alignment issue. Its a shame as I was so looking forward to getting this Vix image on.

Alignment isn't a ViX issue.

16-10-12, 23:05
That is true. Will know more tomorrow.

17-10-12, 11:22
Just to let you know, it was indeed a dish alignment problem, and now all working as it should.
Love the new Vix image too. Now to sort out a decent epg.

17-10-12, 12:23
glad to see you got sorted. every day is a learning curve in this hobby :D

sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using tapatalk 2

17-10-12, 14:20
Just to let you know, it was indeed a dish alignment problem, and now all working as it should.
Love the new Vix image too. Now to sort out a decent epg.

It's nice to see you got your issues sorted and you can now enjoy your receiver.