View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Power Manager not functioning?

09-10-12, 12:33
I'm running the latest stable release.

I have power manager set to restart the box in the morning, and then put it in to standby.

Only the box doesn't seem to be restarting. In the morning it seems to be stuck on "starting" and I have to force a reboot with the power button on the back.

This doesn't appear to create any logs.

I've disabled Power Manager for the time being.

Any ideas?

09-10-12, 12:35
Oh, I forgot to mention that once I've rebooted it seems to set my usb to be mounted as the HDD as well as my internal HDD. Very strange!

Rob van der Does
09-10-12, 13:09
Please enable debuglogs (don't forget to restart Enigma when done) and post them here when this happened again.

10-10-12, 08:14
So I wasn't stuck on "Starting" this morning. I figured everything was OK, but then I realised one of my recordings was split in two, so there must have been a problem. I have attached the 2 logs. You can see at the end of the first I was recording Casino Royale 1967 and there was a problem.

Don't know what you can figure out from this.


Rob van der Does
10-10-12, 11:32
Reading your logs I see an large amount of zap-errors; is your tunerconfig OK?
And did you indeed had PowerManager set to reboot at Wed 10 Oct 2012 06:40:30? And if so: did that interfere with your recording?
The problem you referred to in your post is 'killed'. That means that the box ran out of memory, and killed a process (E2). Although not sure, this is most likely to happen during an EPG-import. I advise you to activate a SWAP-file, which would normally be curing this problem. Please leave debuglogs activated, so we can follow up.

10-10-12, 13:22
OK. Will do!

The recording happened around midnight, and then seemed to have the problem about 20 minutes in. So the reboot wouldn't have been due for another 6 hours.

Never had any problems with my tuner config before. It's a static dish for 28.2.

Rob van der Does
10-10-12, 14:02
Better be safe tan be sorry: just check if your tuner config is still OK for all tuners.

10-10-12, 15:52
When I got home from work today my box was completely frozen, and I couldn't get it to start at all. So I'm going to do fresh flash, im not going to restore my settings - completely fresh setup.

Will report back if I have any trouble.