View Full Version : Just bought the vu+ duo - will i be able to watch Channel 4 HD???

10-09-10, 00:00

im entering the world of linux receivers with the vu+ - hope i don't regret it!

i have a white card and am a subscriber - will i be able to watch the FTV channels like channel 4 HD with the vu+ duo?

if so - can anyone point me to any guides on how i set this up please.


10-09-10, 00:03
first :welcome: on board hiohaa

yes u should be able to watch it. what image are u using and u need to install cccam and edit its cfg file correctly

10-09-10, 00:05

You can find more info also by search

12-09-10, 18:35
getting my vu+ tomorrow and VERY excited - but theres still 1 step im not really clear on - this CCcam thing.
(fyi im a genuine sly subscriber and have no interest in this card sharing thing - i dont even know what this means exactly, to be honest)

what i know so far is to allow me to record ch4 HD and transfer the files to my pc, i'll need to install CCcam. There's some massive tutorials all over the net but they all seem incredibly technical and im a bit scared.
can anyone explain in a little more detail what will be involved or possibly PM me?

thank you for your help so far, this forum is incredible.

12-09-10, 20:15
getting my vu+ tomorrow and VERY excited - but theres still 1 step im not really clear on - this CCcam thing.
(fyi im a genuine sly subscriber and have no interest in this card sharing thing - i dont even know what this means exactly, to be honest)

what i know so far is to allow me to record ch4 HD and transfer the files to my pc, i'll need to install CCcam. There's some massive tutorials all over the net but they all seem incredibly technical and im a bit scared.
can anyone explain in a little more detail what will be involved or possibly PM me?

thank you for your help so far, this forum is incredible.

To be able to view your sky card, you will just need to install cccam 2.1.4, get a CCcam.cfg file on the box, and that is it for the basics. If you subscribe to any premium channels, you will need to use the box key of you sky box, for cccam to trick the card in to believing it is in the sky box (all premium channels are tied to the box it is synced with...).

It really is quite simple ;)

12-09-10, 22:46
thank you, i can't wait to give it a go tomorrow.

13-09-10, 15:02
thank you, i can't wait to give it a go tomorrow.

You got the box yet?!

Did you manage to get it all up and running ok?! (or are you still at work and wanting to rush home like a kid waiting for christmas morning?! :p)

13-09-10, 17:32
nope, it was sent to the wrong depot (even tho the depot is closer to me than the depot it was apparently supposed to go to...)

absolutely typical! ive always had problems with courier companies, no matter which one it is!

looks like i'll be picking it up tomorrow so i'll certainly post my results tomorrow and talk about how i set mine up, to help anyone else.

14-09-10, 11:15
Hi all, confused as usual :)

My Virgin contract has finally come to an end and my box has just gone off.

So today I'll be going back to sky with their 1/2 price 12 month deal they sent me.

From what I see here,
and another thread where the boss says to put the following in the CCcam.cfg file

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 xx xx xx xx
(obviously putting my box number in)

it all seems very straight forwards. What confused me was the other day I asked if any one had any problems and one of the responses I got was

Just use OSCAM with DVPAPI enabled and it works nicely.

Here is my configarution for a BSKYB and Conax card which works great, you only need three files to make it work and they shall all be placed on /var/tuxbox/config

Change only to your IP address below as noted "Your IP" and "Your BoxID" in Oscam.server, download latest OSCAM SVN from OSCAM server which you find on Google, then upload it to /usr/bin and chmod 755 /usr/bin/oscam.bin


# main configuration

nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1
logfile = stdout
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1

# logging

pidfile = /var/run/oscam.pid
#logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
#usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

# monitor

port = 988
aulow = 120
monlevel = 1

# web interface

httpport = 8888
httpuser = admin
httppwd = admin
httpallowed =,–,–172.3 1.255.255,
httprefresh = 10

# protocols

key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 10000@0963:000000;10001@0b00:000000

enabled = 1
au = 1
#socket = /tmp/camd.socket


# reader configuration

# internal readers

label = slot1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
boxid = !!!Your BOXID!!!
blockemm-u = 0
blockemm-s = 0
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
#detect = CD
cardmhz = 368
mhz = 368
emmcache = 1,3,2
group = 1
caid = 0963

label = slot2
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
#detect = CD
cardmhz = 368
mhz = 368
emmcache = 1,3,2
group = 2
caid = 0b00


# user configuration

pwd = noentrance
monlevel = 0
uniq = 0
group = 1,2
au = 1
caid = 0963,0b00

I take it these are two different ways of achieving the same thing? If so, CCcam looks a lot simpler, or am I missing something obvious (as usual)

I notice on my come back to sky deal, the small print says my phone line must be connected. Not going to happen even if I used my original Sky box.

14-09-10, 12:47
Yes they are. I use CCCAM and it works fine, card even updates itself non problem. I see no reason to go down the OSCAM route just yet as CC
CAM does what I need.

14-09-10, 14:42
Can I just triple check please :)

The boxkey and smartcard lines are the only two lines needed in my CCcam.cfg file to have my sly card working in my VU+ box (not interested in sharing),
or do I need other info too?


14-09-10, 14:55
You only need the boxkey for the card to work. It needs to be BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 and than boxkey sci varies depending on which slot the card is in.

The smartcard is if you want to overclock the card to make it run at a higher frequency - not needed in your scenario and I dont use it either as if you get it wrong it could cook your card.

14-09-10, 15:17
Thanks, I thought that the VU box ran at a higher frequency than the Sly box, hence we were advised to put the smartcard line in to lower rather than higher the frequency?

Might have completely misunderstood though.

14-09-10, 23:29
ok guys.

please guide me through from the very beginning.

Ok, just downloaded and installed Cccam on the box.
whats the next step?

im just using windows to browse through files on the box. where is this magic cccam config file i need to edit and put my sly box key in?
thank you - im so close to tv heaven.

15-09-10, 06:47
ok guys.

please guide me through from the very beginning.

Ok, just downloaded and installed Cccam on the box.
whats the next step?

im just using windows to browse through files on the box. where is this magic cccam config file i need to edit and put my sly box key in?
thank you - im so close to tv heaven.

What image do you have installed?

If your using the VIX image you need to create a CCcam.cfg and ftp it to /etc

15-09-10, 08:17
installed VIX yeh,

ok inside the CCCam files I downloaded was 8 files, including this config file. i copied and pasted these into the 'etc' folder, and put the .ppc file into a folder I created called 'bin'.

(im accessing the box by just typing in windows explorer the ip by the way, is this okay?)

i opened up the cfg file with notepad++, edited the BOXKEY and SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY lines - saved it - but nothings changed.
to get the BOXKEY I googled boxkey generator and typed in the serial number of my sly box into this program which converted it into a boxkey.

it hasn't worked. what am i supposed to be doing?

15-09-10, 08:52
installed VIX yeh,

ok inside the CCCam files I downloaded was 8 files, including this config file. i copied and pasted these into the 'etc' folder, and put the .ppc file into a folder I created called 'bin'.

(im accessing the box by just typing in windows explorer the ip by the way, is this okay?)

i opened up the cfg file with notepad++, edited the BOXKEY and SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY lines - saved it - but nothings changed.
to get the BOXKEY I googled boxkey generator and typed in the serial number of my sly box into this program which converted it into a boxkey.

it hasn't worked. what am i supposed to be doing?

To get cccam installed in the VIX image, you will need to use the plugins browser on the box. Long press blue button, then press green button. Then, choose the cams, and choose cccam 2.1.3 or 2.1.4 (whichever you prefer). Then, ftp the CCcam.cfg file (note, it is case sensitive) to /etc/. Then, go to menu, setup, vix, softcam, softcam setup (think that's the correct path, but old age catching up with me :p). Start the cam...

15-09-10, 10:17
Then, ftp the CCcam.cfg file (note, it is case sensitive) to /etc/.

thats pretty much what ive done, as per above post.
when you say 'ftp the cccam' - ive described what i did - simply accessing the box by typing in the ip in explorer, and dropping it in the /etc folder that way - is this the same thing?

i did what you said anyway, id already downloaded it via the plugins. stilll not seeing ch4HD which is why im asking whether ive set the cfg file up correctly or not? can anyone send me an example of what it should look like?

15-09-10, 10:32
thats pretty much what ive done, as per above post.
when you say 'ftp the cccam' - ive described what i did - simply accessing the box by typing in the ip in explorer, and dropping it in the /etc folder that way - is this the same thing?

i did what you said anyway, id already downloaded it via the plugins. stilll not seeing ch4HD which is why im asking whether ive set the cfg file up correctly or not? can anyone send me an example of what it should look like?

What confused me was this:

ok inside the CCCam files I downloaded was 8 files, including this config file. i copied and pasted these into the 'etc' folder, and put the .ppc file into a folder I created called 'bin'.

Where does this come from?! Why do you need to upload 8 files?!

OK, so you've installed the cccam from the plugins menu?! You've created a cccam.cfg file which is called "CCcam.cfg" (note the first two letters in capitals), added the box line, which matches the correct place you've put your card (i.e. sci0 = top and sci1 = bottom, or vice versa, can't remember which :p), and have the card inserted into the box?! You've then gone in to the softcam menu, and started the softcam, and under the "Active Cam" it says the cccam version?!

Please confirm all of this...

15-09-10, 10:41
i first downloaded the plugin through the box.
I then accessed the box looking for this .cfg file and couldn't find it anywhere. That's why I googled and downloaded it myself.
So I downloaded cccam 2.1.4 and extracted it - it contained 8 files, including the .cfg file. I copied these straight into the box in the /etc folder. Then I edited the .cfg file with the 2 entries, the boxkey and the voltage limiter thing. These are the only 2 edits I made. Then I saved it, restarted the box, started up CCcam again, so it was showning as Active CAM.
The card is in the box, in the 1st sci0 slot.

Can anyone link me to a recommended boxkey generator so I know that its not simply because I've put the wrong boxkey in (provided all of the above things I did are correct).
Can anyone link me to what the .cfg should look like if I were to open it up in notepad++
Can anyone confirm that, rather than telneting, what I am doing to access the box, via windows explorer by simply typing in //(my box ip) does the exact same thing.

thank you. really hope i can get ch4hd working tonight.
(also tried to access this http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?517-The-basics-to-cardsharing-with-your-CCcam-capable-satellite-receiver but it says i dont have permission :()

15-09-10, 11:02
Might be that doing what you've done doesn't actually save the config to the box in that way... Try editing the file on the pc, to put your boxkey etc in, and the transfer it to the box.

I'd recommend using an ftp program to transfer the file rather than doing it in windows explorer, but it should still work...

Anyway, I thought that the box key was only required to view movie and sport channels?! Maybe someone can confirm whether this is correct or not?!

Another thing to try, find out the ip of the box, go to a web browser, and type:

This should give you info about the cccam. If it's working correctly, you will have info there. Choose entitlements, and it should show you card...

15-09-10, 11:19
Try editing the file on the pc, to put your boxkey etc in, and the transfer it to the box.

this is the method I used anyway, if I remember correctly.

I will try accessing CCCam via the web browser when I get back home.
Can you tell me how CCcam.cfg should look if I were to open it in notepad++. Does it literally just need 2 lines in it, the boxkey and card frequency?

Please could you also confirm my other questions about the boxkey generator, and that I'm putting the files in the right places.

thank you so far, we'll get there eventually!

15-09-10, 13:40
To get your box key,do the following.

On the back of your sly box is a 17 digit number

Ignore the first 6 and the last 1 number, that gives you a 10 digit number.

For example, if your 17 digit code is


You would ignore the first 6 (1E2005) and the last one (8)
which would leave you with the 10 digit number 0685845674

google for a hex convertor (or use your calc if it has one),place the 10 digit number in and convert it to Hex.

The above example would give 28E12CAA which is your box key entered as (note the spaces)

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 28 E1 2C AA

If your box key turns out at only 7 characters add a 0 (zero) to the beginning of the number to make it 8 characters long.

15-09-10, 19:02
Thank you all for your wonderful help. It all works. I cannot believe how simple it was in the end.
I don't know why it didn't work last night, I come back from work today and it just worked.

I do seem to have 1 problem - theres no sound on any of the MTV music channels. Any ideas?
I think this is the final issue.
*SORTED* - audio button, select english. Doh!

After that im gona thank you all personally and write up my own Super dummies guide.

Also what EPG do you recommend to use?

15-09-10, 19:04
Press Audio button on remote when tuned to MTV and select MPEG audio source, Enigma 2 should remember it the next time you tune to that channel ;)

15-09-10, 20:02
im just waiting for the HD to arrive now - when i record an encrypted channel like ch4 HD - i should be able to transfer the files with no issues through the FTP client right?
the files wont be 'trapped' like as if it was on a sly box....

15-09-10, 20:06
no they wont, you can move wherever you want to

16-09-10, 19:45
I had the same problem as hiohaa and this thread helped me sort things out. One question. If I cancel movies, say, how long would it take for the card to change?