View Full Version : Number of OE3.0 image updates + DVB support questions

08-10-12, 08:10
First can I say how impressed I am with the latest OE3.0 offering.

I came from a background of weeks/months of struggling with BH1.7.x running on my Duo.
Mounts disappeard at randon. EPG refused to update overnight. The UI was not easy enough for my family (especially the wife) to pick up - all manner of issues really.

With OE3.0 I am very happy. Most of my issues have gone and (generally speaking) stability is fantastic. Plus my family like it better too. :cool:

However the image appears to be in a constant state of flux. Daily changes in some cases. Don't get me wrong, this development is great, but I wondered if I am running what is effectively a Beta image, rather than a full release.

Second question - I have am old DVB USB stick - an MSI Mega Sky 580. Is there likely to be a driver/config etc that will allow this stick to run. I got it seen by the last BH1.7.6 image I used, but the VIX image won't currently look at it.

Thanks in advance


08-10-12, 11:55
However the image appears to be in a constant state of flux. Daily changes in some cases. Don't get me wrong, this development is great, but I wondered if I am running what is effectively a Beta image, rather than a full release.

previously we would spend several months testing, testing and testing some more before making a release, for this we were always hounded because this team or that team had made a release and we had not. our users demanded that as soon as we made fixes that they wanted them released, tested or not.

so we created the system we have now. we still do a lot of testing and still hold certain releases back until we have tested that the fixes work. we always test that the fix we are pushing to the image has fixed the issue it was supposed to, but we can never be certain those fixes will not create more unforeseen problems, but we do our best.

you have to understand that we have 1 man who pretty much codes the image from scratch on his own, with little to no help, that man is andy.

Second question - I have am old DVB USB stick - an MSI Mega Sky 580. Is there likely to be a driver/config etc that will allow this stick to run. I got it seen by the last BH1.7.6 image I used, but the VIX image won't currently look at it.

Thanks in advance


sorry i cant help with that question as i dont use DVB-T sticks, personally i find it a little pointless but thats just me.

08-10-12, 12:07
previously we would spend several months testing, testing and testing some more before making a release, for this we were always hounded because this team or that team had made a release and we had not. our users demanded that as soon as we made fixes that they wanted them released, tested or not.

so we created the system we have now. we still do a lot of testing and still hold certain releases back until we have tested that the fixes work. we always test that the fix we are pushing to the image has fixed the issue it was supposed to, but we can never be certain those fixes will not create more unforeseen problems, but we do our best.

you have to understand that we have 1 man who pretty much codes the image from scratch on his own, with little to no help, that man is andy.
Thanks for the update, and for what its worth - I think your man Andy is doing a cracking job.

The only real stability issues I have had btw - has been with 1channel, and that depends on which way the wind is blowing as to whether it crashes the session or not. I suspect this is probably the plugin at fault - although it did work fine on BH previously.

sorry i cant help with that question as i dont use DVB-T sticks, personally i find it a little pointless but thats just me.
Well at the moment I am running FTA - not via Sly, so the lack of Quest or Dave is a major annoyance to my eldest. Thats the only reason I would need the DVB-T tuner.
I note after googling that there was something that someone had working for Vix 2.4, but when I tried manually knife'n'forking it into OE3.0 I got errors on the loading.

08-10-12, 12:13
Thanks for the update, and for what its worth - I think your man Andy is doing a cracking job.

The only real stability issues I have had btw - has been with 1channel, and that depends on which way the wind is blowing as to whether it crashes the session or not. I suspect this is probably the plugin at fault - although it did work fine on BH previously.

Well at the moment I am running FTA - not via Sly, so the lack of Quest or Dave is a major annoyance to my eldest. Thats the only reason I would need the DVB-T tuner.
I note after googling that there was something that someone had working for Vix 2.4, but when I tried manually knife'n'forking it into OE3.0 I got errors on the loading.

its a well known problem with 1channel on all images that it will cause the receiver to crash if it cant lock on to the server when trying to play a movie / tv show. this is something the author of the plugin needs to fix on his end.