View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Build 356 issue

07-10-12, 13:08
I have just set a recording today and decided to check the recording settings on the box. It seems as though I cannot set the margin of recording to 0, as in when a recording is going to start I do not want it to record a few minutes before and after the programme has finished. The issue here is that say for example I have back to back recordings on the same channel, it will record the second programme in the first recording and then start recording the second programme individually but will have missed the first few minutes if that makes sense. Please can we have the option to set it to 0 again, thanks.

Rob van der Does
07-10-12, 13:14
Just checked here: you're right, zero isn't possible atm. I'll issue a feature request for that.

A few remarks:
1- On adding a timer the edit timer is always open. You can there see and adjust the times (independent of those pre- and after times)
2- Recording two consecutive events it might be easier to make one long recording, using the same edit timer.

07-10-12, 13:36
Yep, I have used the work around for the moment. Hope it is sorted soon as not everyone in the house can do this.