View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Swap file size ?

06-10-12, 10:22
My swap file size is set at 16MB, is there a way of increasing it ?

If so how ?

06-10-12, 10:29
menu>setup>vix>swap manager
delete the existing swap file with blue button then use blue again to create a new one

06-10-12, 10:32
menu>setup>vix>swap manager
delete the existing swap file with blue button then use blue again to create a new one

Many thanks Max. :)

06-12-12, 15:48
Hi Maxwell

I tried creating swap file as per your post #2
but nothing happens when i press blue button ?

Options i have on screen, Enable Swap at Start, "box ticked"
Swap Place "Warning"
Swap Size "Nil"
Status "Inactive"
No option to create any size ??

And looking into Memory info Panel
Total Swap 0
Free Swap 0

Please advise where i went wrong ??
Thanks in Advance

06-12-12, 21:20

Just a thought, but do you have an external memory device (such as a USB stick) attached to your box, as you can't create a swapfile anywhere on the box itself.


07-12-12, 15:10
Hi M8

The only thing i have connected to my box is internal sata drive
for movies and epg data, nothing at all in any of usb ports...

07-12-12, 15:47
Hi M8

The only thing i have connected to my box is internal sata drive
for movies and epg data, nothing at all in any of usb ports...

I'd recommend creating swap file on usb stick if you were to have a swap file active, otherwise, the hdd would constantly be running...

07-12-12, 16:22
I'd recommend creating swap file on usb stick if you were to have a swap file active, otherwise, the hdd would constantly be running...
I hear that a lot but the swapfile for my pc is on the pc hdd with no ill effects, after all the stb's are just pc's so I don't understand why it's ok for my pc swapfile to be on the hdd but on my stb it should be on the usb which has less of a rw life than my hdd or is it a speed thing ?.

07-12-12, 16:32
I hear that a lot but the swapfile for my pc is on the pc hdd with no ill effects, after all the stb's are just pc's so I don't understand why it's ok for my pc swapfile to be on the hdd but on my stb it should be on the usb which has less of a rw life than my hdd or is it a speed thing ?.

Not a speed thing, as the hdd is better suited to a swap than usb. Just the fact that if you leave your box on all the time (including standby, excluding deep standby), then it is still in use. Also, there's the noise issue. The missus used to moan constantly about the noise of the hdd when in normal use. So on 24x7, she'd have a right mare! But now I have a 2.5" hdd, so not so much of a problem... Then finally, there's the electric cost. Stopping the hdd running constantly will save a couple of quid ;)

If you're happy with it running on hdd though, I would say to keep it. Personally, I prefer to get a fast usb stick, and run it off that...