View Full Version : Vu+ solo

05-10-12, 23:28
Hello everybody,

I am new to this site and I have been reading through and I find it extremely informative and interesting.

I am no expert in this field ( in fact someone else has set it up for me) and therefore I have some queries which I am sure will be answered. The person who set it up for me told me to shut it down and switch it off every time I am finished with it for a long time.

Reading the manual it is recommended that you leave your box on standby. I do not like to do that and therefore I am shutting it down and switching it off from the power plug, as has been told to do. Is it OK if I do this and do I have to leave it for a certain number of minutes before I switch off the power? After all this is a computer and needs to be shutdown.

When the first times I put it on STAND BY I found out that it was on when I went to watch TV the following day. Will this happen if I put it on DEEP STAND BY?

Now in my menu, there is only STAND BY? Do I put it on DEEP STAND BY through the Sleeptimer or is there another way?

Would appreciate your help.

Many thanks

05-10-12, 23:33
What image are you using?
Long press power button should give you all the options you need.
I leave a Solo on for weeks without issue.
Only time it gets a reboot is when I update the image.

06-10-12, 23:27
Many thanks for your quick reply.

As I said I am not an expert and somebody else set up the receiver for me.

Therefore, I have to ask what you mean by "image".

However, I shall try the long press on the power button.

Thanks again

06-10-12, 23:34
image is the user interface...ie, VIX/BLACKHOLE a bit like windows,

10-10-12, 10:11
My image is BLACKHOLE.

Now if I shut the box down every time I am finished with it and will not use it until the following day, is that OK? Will it harm the software?


11-10-12, 05:40
No it won't do any harm to power the receiver down after every use, however you must remember that this is basically a computer with a tuner card so it must be powered down properly and not just unplugged at the mains. Another option would be to use the deep standby option which is almost a full Powerdown but still allows the box to wake for certain tasks to take place such as making scheduled recordings.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

11-10-12, 09:14
Many thanks for your reply. At least this puts my mind at rest.

Another question please: My menu does not seem to have DEEP STAND BY. Is this under RESTART, as I do not want to press this button and make a mess?

I was thinking of putting it on DEEP STAND BY through the Sleeptimer. If I understand the Manual correctly, if the STB is under DEEP STAND BY, then to put it on one only has to press the power button. Is this correct?

Thanks again for the very useful information as it is important to know what has to be done for trouble free viewing.