View Full Version : Hard drive or box mis-behaving

03-10-12, 20:17
Evening all,
Over past couple of weeks i have noticed strange things happening as regards box side of things or hard drive.
I record somethings and all ok, then on other occasions i go to watch the recordings and nothing is in the list basically says 93 percent full and no more space to record anything else.
Plus no recordings are showing at all.
It is a 160gb hard drive and worked fine till few week back i assume.
I can hear the drive spin when powered therefore i assume it is still ok?
So i put in a fresh install of vix 3.0, no backups and then came to initializing hard drive and get this error which i got before and after fresh image install.
Can anyone possibly tell me if they can understand what's wrong with pic i provide of warning error.
Best wishes


04-10-12, 14:26
No replies :confused:
Surely i'm not only one to experience this or am i?

06-10-12, 22:49
Hi looks pretty tough this one. I have had numerous hard drives fail on me in the past so I suppose the only way to know if it's died is to format it. I know this means losing your videos but maybe a last resort? Also try using the drive on a different device if you have a compatible machine? The error message looks to me like it's trying to find a file or directory that either isn't there or it cannot find. Hope this helps!

06-10-12, 23:43
Can you enable logs, if it happens again please post your log.

07-10-12, 17:56
I have brought docking station for hard drives, so i can format it to see if the trouble is that.
I will enable log when i fitted hard drive back in as then will be easier to correct hopefully :)

07-10-12, 20:33
Do you have a usb stick installed?

I've had similar symptoms a couple of times and the mount points have got themselves messed up, with usb mounted as /media/hdd

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

08-10-12, 17:09
Do you have a usb stick installed?

I've had similar symptoms a couple of times and the mount points have got themselves messed up, with usb mounted as /media/hdd

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

I have the same problem, only when I turn the box of and on again, and I have to remount again then evrything ok.

08-10-12, 17:14
I have the same problem, only when I turn the box of and on again, and I have to remount again then evrything ok.

as suggested above, please enable debug logs and when this happens again send us the corresponding log.


31-10-12, 09:45
Sorry for late reply, but wanted to leave it to test over few week.
Fully reformatted the hard drive via docking station and up to now seems to be working well as usual :thumbsup: